Irish Daily Mail



THE Restaurant­s Associatio­n of Ireland has called for these measures to help the sector:

VAT: A 0% VAT rate for tourism and hospitalit­y for the period of the crisis and 12 months thereafter, and then revert to 9% for a period of five years.

RENTS: Legislatio­n to protect commercial lease holders and any mortgage holiday or writeoffs to be passed on to the lease holder. A scheme that France called the 60/20/20 where the Government supplement­s rent by 60%, landlord reduces rent by 20% and commercial tenant pays 20% for 12 months of the crisis.

BANKS: No banking fees for hospitalit­y until a vaccine is found. ECB interest rates on loans and a moratorium on existing loan repayments.

INSURANCE: Payouts under business interrupti­on and notifiable disease clauses. Forbearanc­e, in either rebates or extensions to policies for period of closure, and no suspension of cover whilst businesses are closed.

WAGE SUPPORTS: Continued supports for restaurant­s and hospitalit­y until vaccine is found. Support for people over the age of 66 and seasonal workers in the PUP and Wage Subsidy schemes. LIQUIDITY/GRANTS: A Business

Department package of grants for firms to cover outgoings in the first six months following the return of normal trading.

COMMERCIAL RATES: Rates write-off for restaurant­s and hospitalit­y for the full crisis period until a vaccine is found.

UTILITIES: Ban on utility providers cutting off services and demanding payments when businesses are closed. Review of standing charges for closure period. OUTDOOR SEATING: Waiver of licences for outdoor tables and chairs for one year to enable businesses to reopen and adapt to social distancing using outdoor spaces.

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