Irish Daily Mail

Soul Guide



Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist

Linda Mooney is a leading angel therapy practition­er with fifteen years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of angel therapy helping people to engage with their angels to find inner peace and healing. Email Linda at or write to Linda Mooney, Irish Daily Mail, Third Floor, Embassy House, Dublin 4


Dear Linda, I have always struggled with my weight, and during lockdown I have gained even more. I am disgusted with myself, I feel weak and loathe myself, I can’t even bear to look in the mirror and feel so ugly. I have felt like this most of my life and my self esteem and confidence are at it’s lowest. Please advise with some words of comfort and encouragem­ent, and many thanks. B


Dear B, While I don’t think you are alone in the situation of gaining weight during lock down, it appears that it goes back a lot further. Firstly may I point out you are not your weight. Secondly your self-talk and insults are most likely the reason you are stuck in a spiral of self-disgust, lethargy and comfort eating.

This self criticism is no doubt the main contributo­ry factor to your dilemma. The strategy you have in place has not served you up to this point. You wouldn’t speak to a best friend in the manner you are speaking to and of yourself. Understand­ing you deserve better and acting as a best friend to yourself instead of an enemy would be an excellent starting point.

Also seeking out some profession­al help to get you on the right road will put in the right frame of mind.


This message comes as a help, and not as an affront or a criticism.

Your vessel has become clogged by overuse of harsh chemicals, and the offending source is within your psyche. You’ve been ignoring your body’s many signal and screams for relief from the steady ingestion of impurities.

Perhaps you’ve also noticed a slump in your energy level, and your degree of joy has lagged as well. Never mind these past effects, though, as the solution is at hand right now.

Now that you’ve heard this message, do not hesitate for even a moment to make new arrangemen­ts. You will want to keep a sharp focus on the contents of your mind and speech as well, for the words you think and speak are the very diet that supports or thwarts you.

Choose purity and the angels promise you a changed outlook for the better.


You are made in the image and likeness of your Creator, so you embody aspects of all those qualities. Your inner Divine light is pure and bright in truth, and no mistakes can undo the Creators handiwork of true perfection.

Don’t be afraid of your power, your magnificen­ce, or your wisdom. When you succeed, you inspire others. When you change your life so that it’s more aligned with your interests, you inspire others. Be powerful! Be magnificen­t! This is who you are.


This is a kind universe, and everyone within it is working in your favour. There are no tests, blocks or obstacles in your way, except your own projection­s of fear into your future. Feel the angels brush your brow with a new energy of faith, hope, and optimism. Step into this brightness by lightening your thoughts and feelings. You must stop worrying, as this anxiety squelches the goodness that seeks to find you!

Clear your heart of fear, and replace those energies with ones that will serve you and your family instead. Refuse to think of anything except your bright today and tomorrow.

To have Linda answer your question, please send your date of birth. The more specific the question, the more specific the answer. Readers’ dates of birth will not be published. Linda regrets she cannot enter into personal correspond­ence but she intends to answer all letters.

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