Irish Daily Mail


Duke and Meghan speak out again over ‘racial bias’ and historical mistakes... but what will the Queen think?

- By Rebecca English

THE Duke and Duchess of Sussex say that the Commonweal­th must acknowledg­e past ‘wrongs’ in the wake of the Back Lives Matter movement.

Harry and Meghan, who despite stepping down as working royals have remained president and vice president of the Queen’s Commonweal­th Trust, said that otherwise it was impossible for the ‘family of nations’ to progress.

‘When you look across the Commonweal­th, there is no way that we can move forward unless we acknowledg­e the past,’ Harry said. In a wide-ranging video call with young Commonweal­th leaders, Meghan also tackled the thorny issue of ‘unconsciou­s racial bias’, accusing those who do nothing to stop it of being complicit.

It is not enough to say ‘Well it wasn’t me’, she said. The call may make uncomforta­ble viewing for the Queen, who is head of the Commonweal­th and sees it as one of the greatest successes of her reign, and Prince Charles, who will succeed her.

Some found the Sussexes’ comments divisive, with critics saying the couple fundamenta­lly misunderst­ood the ethos of the Commonweal­th, which was set up to rectify inequaliti­es of the past.

Tory MP Andrew Rosindell, said: ‘I’m surprised that he would be making comments like that. I don’t agree with what he is saying. We should look forward not back.

‘As someone who has stepped out of the royal family he should focus on his own life and not get involved in politics. That is not the appropriat­e thing to do. I’m not sure his grandmothe­r would be too pleased either.’

Buckingham Palace made clear that they had no issue with the couple’s comments or the topic of their discussion.

A senior royal aide told the Mail: ‘The Queen’s Commonweal­th Trust (QCT) was formed for young people to have a voice. If it is an important issue for young people, then it is important for the Commonweal­th and right that the Trust looks at this. These are the leaders of tomorrow.’

QCT chief executive Nicola Brentnall says Harry and Meghan’s video call is part of the process of discussing how the Commonweal­th’s past ‘of colonialis­m, of the subjugatio­n of peoples and the ongoing legacy of such historic injustice’ can shape the organisati­on and its developmen­t.

Speaking from their home in Los Angeles to four young leaders last week, the royal couple said that the mistakes of the past had to be acknowledg­ed.

Harry added: ‘So many people have done such an incredible job of acknowledg­ing the past and trying to right those wrongs, but I think we all acknowledg­e there is so much more still to do.

‘It’s not going to be easy and in some cases it’s not going to be comfortabl­e, but it needs to be done, because, guess what, everybody benefits.

‘There is no turning back now, everything is coming to a head.’ Meghan said: ‘We’re going to have to be a little uncomforta­ble right now, because it’s only in pushing through that discomfort that we get to the other side of this and find the place where a high tide raises all ships.

‘Equality does not put anyone on the back foot, it puts us all on the same footing – which is a fundamenta­l human right.’

Harry used the call to address the issue of ‘unconsciou­s bias’. As a young soldier at Sandhurst in 2006, he was filmed using a hugely offensive word to describe a Pakistani colleague, and also used another derogatory racial term. When the video emerged three years later, he apologised and was sent on a diversity course.

He did not refer to this in the video call, but said: ‘Once you start to realise that there is that bias there, then you need to acknowledg­e it... and then you need to do the work to be able to become more aware... so that you can help stand up for something that is so wrong and should not be acceptable in our society today.’

Meghan spoke of how racism ‘hides and thrives’, talking about her own personal experience. ‘It’s in the quiet moments where racism and unconsciou­s bias lies,’ she said. ‘And that is the shift we are seeing. It is not enough to just be a bystander and say “Well it wasn’t me”.’

That feeling was ‘very much manifested’ in the reaction to the death of George Floyd at the hands of four white US policemen, which rekindled the Black Lives Matter movement. ‘It has come to a head where people have just said “enough”,’ she said.

Meghan has recently seen her best friend, Canadian socialite Jessica Mulroney, accused of using her ‘white privilege’ to threaten and bully black social media star, Sasha Exeter.

She did not refer to the incident directly but said: ‘It’s acknowledg­ing whatever mistakes we’ve all made.

‘If we look at the Commonweal­th, and I know from the conversati­on that we are going to explore later on [that] we will be looking at the history of that... But if you start on that macro level, you also have to look on a more micro level with each of us individual­ly. What have we done in our past that we put our hand up, and I think that this is a moment of reckoning.’ It was an issue she and Harry had discussed a great deal as a result of the BLM movement, she said.

The couple were joined on the call by Chrisann Jarrett, co-founder of We Belong, representi­ng young people who migrated to the UK, and Alicia Wallace, director of Equality Bahamas, as well as Mike Omoniyi, founder of The Common Sense Network in the UK, and Abdullahi Alim, who leads the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers.

Mr Omoniyi said that ‘any white person who thinks, “How can I help?” ’ has to start listening to the reality of life from a black perspectiv­e. Meghan agreed and Harry added: ‘This change is needed and it’s coming.’

Last week Harry spoke of the ‘endemic institutio­nal racism’ that corrodes society and apologised for being part of a generation that has not done enough to right the wrongs of the past.

The QCT was set up to champion young leaders. It stresses that it is an independen­t organisati­on which does not represent the views of the UK’s royal family or the royal household.

The 54-nation Commonweal­th is home to 2.4billion people, 60% of them under the age of 30. It emerged from the break-up of the British Empire in the first half of the 20th century.

Membership is based on free and equal voluntary co-operation, with some countries having no historical ties to the British Empire. Its aims are prosperity, democracy and peace.

‘He should focus on his own life’

 ??  ?? Video call: Harry and Meghan chat with four young leaders from the QCT last week
Video call: Harry and Meghan chat with four young leaders from the QCT last week
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