Irish Daily Mail

He has swollen legs so should he fly now?


MY HUSBAND has pitting oedema and the doctor says there is no cure. Is this the case, and is it safe for him to take a long flight with this condition?

OEDEMA is the medical term for swelling that’s caused by fluid retention. Pitting oedema means that if you apply pressure to the swollen area, then an indent will remain for a few seconds (with nonpitting oedema, applying pressure will not cause any lasting indentatio­n — and this has different underlying causes).

The swelling itself is caused by an increase in the amount of fluid, known as lymph, present in the interstiti­al space — the area outside of blood vessels and around the cells which make up our tissue.

The fluid is essentiall­y blood that has been filtered of blood cells by the capillary walls it has pushed through.

There are a number of conditions that cause this build-up of fluid, such as heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney disease and disorders of the veins that return blood to the heart — varicose veins (swollen veins), for example.

I am going to assume that the oedema you describe is of the lower legs. The most common cause of bilateral leg oedema (swelling in both legs) is when the body has trouble sending blood from veins back to the heart. This is usually due to severe varicose veins — the blood vessels are grossly widened and so there is less pressure on the blood to flow in the right direction. So blood, rather than coursing along a relatively narrow vessel back toward the heart, is only indolently flowing, almost like water in a canal rather than a fast river.

Varicose veins are also often so wide they have no effective valves that would otherwise control blood flow in the correct direction.

In the absence of detailed knowledge of your husband’s medical history, it is necessary to consider whether the pitting oedema is a result of the sideeffect­s of medication­s he may be taking — most commonly a group of drugs called calcium channel blockers, which are prescribed for high blood pressure.

These medicines cause sodium retention, which inevitably leads to a build-up of fluid.

Your GP will have taken these details into account before making his prognosis, and will also have excluded causes such as heart failure, kidney disorders and deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in deep veins).

If your GP has not recommende­d any specific precaution­s, I would assume your husband is safe to take a long flight; it is, however, essential that he wears full-length compressio­n stockings to guard against the swelling worsening in his legs.

He should also walk along the aisle in the plane once every two hours and stay well hydrated.

Seek the advice of the GP again before the flight, in case there are aspects that have not been revealed to me, and ask about the right compressio­n stockings. A prescripti­on is not essential — your pharmacist will be able to provide this hosiery.

The optician told me I have cataracts, which was a surprise.

CATARACTS are a clouding of the lens of the eye. They occur frequently with advancing age and are very common. The lens of the eye is composed of a unique protein called crystallin, and over the years this deteriorat­es and loses its transparen­cy.

A number of factors accelerate this process, including smoking, excessive alcohol consumptio­n, sunlight exposure, uncontroll­ed type 2 diabetes, and some medicines — particular­ly corticoste­roids, which are used to treat diseases such as arthritis.

The developmen­t of cataracts is painless and the rate at which they develop varies quite widely. Often the first sign may be difficulty driving at night due to glaring headlights, or difficulty reading small print. Typically, as in your case, an optician would inform you of the diagnosis.

The choice of when to undergo surgery — the only available treatment — should be decided by you. Since you are currently coping with your usual activities, now is not yet the right time for the operation.

In due course, plans will be made for an operation to remove the cataracts. I cannot reassure you too strongly that when the time comes, it is entirely in your best interest to proceed with it.

 ??  ?? Aged 74, I don’t know anyone who has had this and I am afraid.
Aged 74, I don’t know anyone who has had this and I am afraid.
 ??  ??

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