Irish Daily Mail



IN A normal year, I’d be going to Edinburgh Fringe Festival. But it’s not a normal year. People talk of returning to ‘significan­t normality’, but if normality is ‘significan­t’, can it be ‘normal’? One of life’s constants is that things are rarely consistent. What’s important is how we react. Panic and despair, or ingenuity and purpose? Uranus and the Sun’s links with Venus this weekend suggest we can summon forth the latter.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

IS THERE anything in particular to worry about? Or can you afford to sit back and allow something you’re concerned about to happen? If you feel obliged to worry (or are worrying on behalf of someone else), it’s definitely time to consider letting that responsibi­lity go. Either you can do something to negate a difficult situation and reduce stress, or you can’t … regardless, worrying won’t be helpful. Trusting in the benevolent universe is a much more skilful way to respond.

August is due to be amazing! For four minutes of news that could transform your life, pick up the phone! Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

IT’S a fact of life that as we grow older it becomes harder for us to find our way around. Every road we take, every shop front we pass, every pub reminds us of how things used to be, the places we used to frequent, the friends we would meet and the laughter and tears that accompanie­d those events. People and places become intertwine­d. Every now and then we have to shake ourselves. Those days are gone. It’s today that matters. Don’t let a memory confuse your enjoyment of the present.

Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth phone forecast, there’s great news in your August prediction. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

ALTHOUGH human beings are miraculous pieces of design, very few of us are able to contort ourselves to scratch our own backs. Yet rather than a divine oversight, perhaps our inability to reach that particular place was a clever move by the cosmic engineer. To satisfying­ly scratch that particular itch, we need to get someone else involved. This weekend, as long as you give out what you’d like to receive, a potential back-scratcher and back-patter comes your way. Enjoy the mutual appreciati­on. The Full Moon brings potential for positive change. Make August a month to remember. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 - July 23

IT’S time to decide whether you’re going to play it safe or take a risk. Are you going to twist or stick? Even if you don’t feel as if you’re ready to play, you might find your hand is being pushed. You’re in possession of important informatio­n and, once you roll with it, a new path will begin to unfurl ahead of you. This journey is going to need skill, plus a healthy dose of luck, but why should that be a problem? The odds are in your favour. You’ve got momentum. This is a game you’ll enjoy.

Welcome to August! Your powerful prediction for the month is ready. For inspiring insight, call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

WHEN someone’s in a good mood and able to share their feelings, we all benefit. It’s a different story when we come into the firing line of someone’s sadness or anger. Remember that their negativity does them more damage than it does to us, but it still doesn’t help when we’re on the receiving end. This weekend, an optimistic approach can have a powerful effect. By sharing your awareness of the hidden possibilit­ies available, you can lighten the moods of those around you.

This month’s Full Moon brings celestial creativity and reasons for hope. Take full advantage! Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

UNEXPECTED changes are rarely as instantane­ous as we think. Usually, we get some signs and signals to warn us, it’s just that they’re not big enough. Don’t worry … I’m not trying to warn you about a sudden change in your world. Yet there’s an undeniable sense that you’re being given an opportunit­y to re-examine your priorities. When you look back at this time, it may seem as if events happened at speed. But there will be a sense of things happening for the right reasons at the right time, too. It’s August! For uplifting news on how the month holds exciting opportunit­ies, call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

YOU’RE feeling excited and enthused. Fantastic! Although the journey you’ve embarked upon might not be physically taking you anywhere, you’re psychologi­cally moving towards a new destinatio­n. You’re so passionate that, as long as you get to where you’re headed, you don’t mind how you get there. This isn’t quite so fantastic. The details are important, and an issue that seems small enough to overlook could be significan­t. Make sure things happen the right way this weekend.

To hear valuable informatio­n about the changes you can implement in August, call your month-ahead forecast: 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

YOU’VE done everything right. You’ve calculated how long it will take to drive to the station – you’ve even left yourself an extra 15 minutes – but, despite that, the traffic’s awful and, just as you arrive, you see your train pulling away. Now everything is wrong. Plans must be amended and bookings altered. Aargh! But does that mean that everything is destined to go awry? Of course not. Don’t be tempted to catastroph­ise this weekend. One small problem does not foreshadow another.

August starts with a powerful Full Moon. For your light-shedding, hope-giving, month-ahead forecast, call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21

SCIENTISTS and mystics look at the world in very different ways. Scientists search for logical ways to explain the energy that underpins our existence, whereas mystics prefer to sail on the seas of serendipit­y, going with the flow rather than forcing ideas to follow defined methods and calculatio­ns. Most of us are a mixture of science and mysticism; we all have a bit of both of these qualities. This weekend, it’s your creative, visionary talents that will guide you to where you need to be. August can be a transforma­tive month. Take advantage of the inspiratio­nal Full Moon energy. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

WHEN we’re confident that we’re in the right, other people’s opinions don’t matter. We can move on with our plan and wait for them to realise the error of their ways. In such times, it’s best, if at all possible, to resist the urge to say: ‘I told you so.’ Keep quiet, and hope that they will listen next time. We all process things differentl­y and have different priorities. What is self-evident to you could be complicate­d for someone else. Enjoy your victory this weekend. Your quiet confidence will be vindicated. A new month! An action-packed astrologic­al picture. A forecast that could transform your life! Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

WE CAN be addicted to all sorts of things. And addictions sometimes have the appearance of being healthy. Yet, if getting what we ‘need’ makes us unhappy, maybe even these kinds of behaviours are negatively impacting our lives. Of course, you can also have a dependency on something that’s unpleasant and unproducti­ve. This doesn’t have to be physical. It can be an addiction to emotional pain. It might be best not to meet someone’s needs this weekend.

For exciting news about the potential delights in store for you this month, call your August forecast: 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

WHEN a chance appears before you this weekend, take it. If you’re searching for an answer to a question, don’t hesitate to ask. If you feel inspired to do something, follow your urge. Of course, I’m aware that I’m giving this advice to a sensitive Piscean. You’re not going to be indiscreet or say or do anything that will be hurtful to anyone. That’s why you can seize the moments that present with boldness. Asserting yourself might incur some controvers­y, but it will bring satisfacti­on and support, too. Make your dreams come true in August! Call your four-minute, in-depth forecast: 1550 511 611.

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