Irish Daily Mail

‘Compensate struggling publicans if next Monday’s reopening is delayed’

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open pubs. However, Independen­t TD, Michael Collins, warned last night that half of all pubs could permanentl­y shut down if there is a second postponeme­nt and that it was ‘do or die’ time for rural pubs.

Pubs outside cities have been hit hardest by the pandemic compared to urban pubs, with just 40% of bars outside Dublin reopened while 70% in the capital are doing business under the condition that they serve ‘substantia­l meals’.

The Vintners Federation of

Ireland demanded that the Government allow pubs to reopen on Monday and warned that any further delays in reopening would require a compensati­on package.

The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) will meet early this morning to decide the fate of our pubs before the acting Chief Medical Officer passes on the recommenda­tion to the Health Minister. He will then bring the recommenda­tion to a Cabinet meeting expected this afternoon, and it is forecast that the

Government will follow the NPHET’s advice.

VFI president Padraic McGann said society will be living with the virus for some time so keeping pubs shut for 140 days was not viable.

‘The last three weeks have seen restaurant­s and pubs serving food open with, according to An Garda Síochána, an extremely high level of compliance,’ he said.

‘Either pubs are given the green light to open on Monday or a realistic and meaningful compensati­on package must be put in place immediatel­y. Otherwise many pubs will remain permanentl­y closed.

‘This is a make-or-break week for Ireland’s pubs. It’s impossible to overstate the crisis facing the sector,’ he added.

After nearly five months of forced closure, TDs are pleading with the Government to ‘not make the same mistake’ and delay the reopening.

Fianna Fáil TD Willie O’Dea said the Government will likely take the advice of NPHET, which will be given to the Health Minister this morning,

I used to be open six nights a week, and then overnight, nothing. That takes an emotional toll. I miss my customers. And that’s before we even get into the financial side of it. A lot of pubs are in total jeopardy if we don’t open. PAUL MOYNIHAN, OF MOYNIHAN’S BAR, DONARD, CO. WICKLOW

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