Irish Daily Mail

HARRY& MEGHAN Couple accuse Britain of ‘structural racism’

Prince tells how Meghan raised his racial awareness

- By Sam Greenhill

PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle have attacked ‘structural racism’ and said Black Lives Matters protests were ‘a beautiful thing’.

Harry lamented a ‘world created by white people for white people’ and revealed his ‘awakening’ to race issues after meeting his wife Meghan.

Speaking from the couple’s mansion in California, the prince said his home country could be a better country if white people understood more about life for those ‘of a different coloured skin’.

The couple’s latest foray into politics comes a week after their high-profile interventi­on in the US election by urging voters to ‘reject hate speech’ in comments which broke royal protocol and were widely interprete­d as a call to vote out Donald Trump.

‘I wasn’t aware of many issues’

Harry and Meghan gave a rare j oint i nterview t o London’s Evening Standard newspaper, via a Zoom video call from California, to mark the start of the Black History Month in the UK.

They have put forward 20 ‘trailblaze­rs’, nominated by leading British BAME figures.

But they warned that young people of colour in Britain will be held back ‘ as long as structural racism exists’.

Harry, 36, said he had become more aware of the issue of racism after marrying Meghan. He said: ‘I’ve had a sort of an awakening as such of my own, because I wasn’t aware of so many of the issues and so many of the problems within the UK, but also globally as well. I thought I did, but I didn’t.’

He added: ‘You know, when you go into a shop with your children and you only see white dolls, do you even think, “That’s weird, there is not a black doll there?”’

The couple were asked about Black Lives Matter and Meghan said it was ‘a different movement’ in the US. She said: ‘What has been inflammato­ry for a lot of people is when any version of the community becomes disruptive.’

But she added: ‘When there’s just peaceful protests and when there’s the intention of just wanting unity and just wanting recognitio­n of equality, then that is a beautiful thing, actually.’

But f ormer Downing Street adviser Nick Timothy wrote on Twitter that the couple were ‘the perfect spokespers­ons for the uber-woke’, adding they were: ‘fantastica­lly rich, monstrousl­y narcissist­ic, completely ignorant of the meaning of the lines they parrot and the people and countries they denigrate. Social justice, Beverly Hills-style’.

Meanwhile, the authors of a biography of Meghan and Prince

Harry were secretly briefed by her friends, court documents alleged yesterday.

Meghan’s friends reportedly told authors everything from her views on filming sex scenes to what she thought about Kate Middleton.

Finding Freedom was filled with secrets from Ms Markle’s closest friends, who acted as ‘de facto media relations agents’ to ensure the book was ‘favourable’ to her, it was said.

Meghan has denied ‘collaborat­ing’ with the authors Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand. But documents lodged at the High Court in London yesterday claimed that in 2018 the couple allegedly arranged f or their f riends to pass on i nformation that could have originated only from Harry or Meghan themselves.

The court document was filed by lawyers for the Mail on Sunday which is being sued by Ms Markle for breach of privacy after it published extracts from a letter she sent her father Thomas Markle.

‘Monstrousl­y narcissist­ic’

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 ??  ?? Awareness: Harry and Meghan – joined by their beagle Guy – discuss race issues, inspiratio­ns and Black Lives Matter in the video interview
Awareness: Harry and Meghan – joined by their beagle Guy – discuss race issues, inspiratio­ns and Black Lives Matter in the video interview

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