Irish Daily Mail

Satellite choice


FAMILY MOVIE Onward, Disney+

LOVELY Pixar animation in which elf brothers go on a journey to deal with the loss of their dad, and rediscover magic in a world that ignores it.

COMEDY BOX SET Malcolm In The Middle, All4

A PRE-BREAKING Bad Bryan Cranston plays the dad in this US sitcom about a dysfunctio­nal family and the struggles of Malcolm, the son with a genius IQ (Frankie Muniz). All seven seasons are going on Ch4’s on-demand service today.

FACT-BASED FILM Just Mercy, 8pm, Sky Premiere

THIS legal drama stars Michael B. Jordan as idealistic young lawyer Bryan Stevenson, who fights the murder conviction of Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx).

ROMANTIC COMEDY Emily In Paris, Netflix

LILY Collins (pictured) daughter of Phil, is the star of a bright fish-outof-water comedy from Darren Star (Sex And The City). It starts with the clichés – outgoing US girl starts work in Paris, doesn’t bother to learn the language, clashes with the arrogant French – and deepens from there. It’s an easy joy to watch, and there’s a lot to be said for that.

30 YEARS AGO Top Of The Pops: The Story Of 1990, 9pm, BBC4

A FUN round-up of songs and stories in which Seal remembers the joy when his song with Adamski, Killer, went to No.1 – he ran to the bathroom and started crying. Still, this was also the year that the power of TOTP was starting to wane next to competitor­s such as The Hitman & Her.

MUSIC ARCHIVE Guy Garvey: From The Vaults, 9pm, Sky Arts

THE Elbow singer presents some intriguing highlights from 1977. These include the last-ever TV appearance of Marc Bolan, a once-lost performanc­e by Blondie in Manchester, and a special section tion on punk from Tony Wilson.

CRIME FIGHTERS NCIS: New Orleans, 9pm, Fox

THE show takes a 007-style twist in an episode that opens with deadly attacks in Athens, Rome and London. There’s a Navy link, so Pride (Scott Bakula) is called in to investigat­e, and plenty of stakeout time is involved – leading to some good chats between the characters.

LOVE TRIANGLE Why Women Kill, 9pm, Alibi

THE twists just keep coming in Marc Cherry’s drama. The situation between Eli,

Jade and Taylor heads down a very dark route, while the relationsh­ip between Karl and Simone (Jack Davenport and Lucy Liu) has the makings of a rather charming Will & Grace-style sitcom.

FUTURISTIC DRAMA Brave New World, 9pm, Sky One

SKY’S S new drama based b on Aldous Huxley’s 1932 book looks incredible. It’s set in a seemingly utopian New London, where privacy is a thing of the past, people are ranked, and drugged hedonism is the rule. In part one, Lenina L (Jessica Brown Findlay, pictured) is accused of breaking this world’s code.

NEW U.S. SHOW Random Acts Of Flyness, 9.35pm, Sky Comedy

SITTING somewhere between sketch comedy and an art installati­on, this race-conscious new HBO series from Terence Nance definitely feels like something new. Tonight’s opening salvo includes an infomercia­l hosted by Jon Hamm and a surreal children’s show called Everybody Dies!

MOVING FILM Dick Johnson Is Dead, Netflix

THE film-maker Kirsten Johnson’s father has dementia and, for her jet-black but oddly beautiful documentar­y, she stages such scenes as his entry into heaven, and various terrible accidents in which he might meet his end. The form of her tribute says a lot about their bond.

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