Irish Daily Mail

Legal action begins over brain injuries


ALEGAL action over brain injuries allegedly caused in football and other contact sports has begun. The increased risk of neurodegen­erative disease among former footballer­s, establishe­d in last year’s FIELD study, is back in the spotlight, with Sportsmail launching a campaign for action following confirmati­on of Bobby Charlton’s dementia diagnosis and the death of his former Manchester United and England team-mate Nobby Stiles last month, who was also suffering with the disease.

Now, lawyers say they are working on behalf of a group of former players to establish in the courts whether sports governing bodies have done enough to protect them, and seek compensati­on if this is proven not to be the case.

The “ground-breaking” action, which involves Nick De Marco QC of Blackstone Chambers and personal injury specialist­s John Foy and James Byrne of 9 Gough Chambers, could also result in further reform to protect current and future players.

De Marco said: ‘The litigation is still in its early stages and we still want to hear from profession­al sports players. Nonetheles­s, the stories emerging tell us of a pattern of silent suffering caused by lifechangi­ng and sadly often fatal brain injury conditions, that underlies that this is a serious endemic issue.’

De Marco added: ‘The science proving the link between repeated blows to the head and brain injury has been around for many years. A key question the courts will be interested in is whether football, and other contact sport regulators, have taken timely and proper steps to prevent the injuries we are seeing.

‘By bringing this case we hope not only to provide our clients with adequate compensati­on to pay for the future medical treatment and care they will inevitably need, but also to bring about muchneeded reform to protect all players in sport, whether amateur or profession­al, adult or child.’

While the FIELD study establishe­d an increased risk, the cause of this increased risk has not yet been proven.

Former England and West Brom striker Jeff Astle died in 2002 aged 59 because of repeated trauma from heading footballs, described by a coroner as an ‘industrial injury’.

Geoff Hurst, a World Cup-winning team-mate of Charlton and Stiles in 1966, has pledged to donate his brain to scientific research after his death and called for a total ban on heading in children’s football.

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