Irish Daily Mail

Why don’t we all know the way to beat type 2 diabetes? Clue: It costs nothing

- Dr Michael MOSLEY

Eight years ago I managed to beat type 2 diabetes by going on my 5:2 diet (cutting my calories two days a week) and losing weight — 9kg to be precise. Since then I’ve become something of a broken record on the importance of shedding body fat to improve your blood sugar levels.

So I was delighted last week by the news from the Norfolk Diabetes Prevention Study — the largest of its kind in the world — which showed that even modest weight loss can have a big impact.

The Norfolk study recruited more than 1,000 people with pre-diabetes (meaning they had raised blood sugar levels). They were asked to lose weight, then were monitored for more than eight years. Those who managed to lose 2kg to 3kg, and keep it off, almost halved their risk of developing full-blown type 2.

This adds to extensive research carried out by scientists showing that, as well as pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes can be put into remission by going on a rapid weight-loss diet. And, as we’ve known for 20 years, weight-loss surgery can also reverse type 2.

In fact, a recent review by Danish researcher­s found more than 70 per cent of people with type 2 diabetes who had lost significan­t amounts of weight were still medication- free more than five years later.

Despite all this, there is still the idea in some health services that type 2 diabetes is a progressiv­e disease that usually gets worse over time, with most people needing ever increasing levels of medication. What a depressing — and I would argue inaccurate — message.

So why aren’t they being a bit more encouragin­g? The situation with type 2 diabetes reminds me of a tussle I had with the medical establishm­ent more than 25 years ago. In 1993 I was looking around for a subject to make a science documentar­y, when I came across the work of two Australian­s, Dr Barry Marshall and Dr Robin Warren, who had a striking new theory about stomach ulcers.

At the time, stomach or duodenal ulcers (affecting the first part of the small intestine) were incredibly common but, like type 2, were seen as something of a mystery.

Gut ulcers can be excruciati­ngly painful and lead to internal bleeding. Doctors knew they were caused by excess acid and they could be managed by drugs such as ranitidine, which stopped the stomach from producing acid. These drugs, known as proton pump inhibitors, were expensive but there was a lot of incentive to use them because if you didn’t, or if the drugs stopped working, there was a high chance you’d need some of your stomach and intestines removed. Robin and Barry, however, were convinced they had a cheap and effective cure. Their r esearch showed t hat most patients with ulcers were infected with a bacterium, which the two doctors called Helicobact­er pylori.

The patients’ stomachs were producing more acid to get rid of the bacterium, but this failed because Helicobact­er is resistant to acid attack. But it is vulnerable to the right antibiotic­s.

To prove the point, Barry deliberate­ly infected himself with

Helicobact­er (he swallowed a flask of it) and soon developed gastritis — massive inflammati­on — which he cured with a short course of antibiotic­s. This was in 1984.

Nine years later, when I began filming with Robin and Barry, there was still widespread resistance to their claims, despite extensive proof they were right.

When I asked Barry how long he thought it would take to persuade his colleagues to take their claims seriously, he laconicall­y replied, ‘Well it’s been ten years and ten per cent of doctors are treating ulcers this way. Perhaps in 100 years they will all be doing it.’

In fact, within ten years almost all doctors were doing it. Not least because Barry and Robin won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2004 for their work.

But back in 1994, when my documentar­y, Ulcer Wars, detailing their work, came out, the medical reaction was either indifferen­ce or hostility. A review in The British Medical Journal by a leading gastroente­rologist described the film as ‘one sided and tendentiou­s’.

However, patients with duodenal ulcers who’d watched the programme soon began demanding antibiotic treatment.

Many later wrote to me and as one man put it :‘ I saw your programme a week before I was due to have surgery, and it was only because my doctor was prepared to listen that I was cured by antibiotic­s rather than having a chunk of my guts removed.’

Why did it take so long for doctors to adopt this approach, despite overwhelmi­ng evidence that eradicatin­g Helicobact­er could change patients’ lives?

This was a question that researcher­s from Harvard asked in 2019 — concluding that it was mainly because doctors get much of their informatio­n from pharmaceut­ical companies, and these companies had no incentive to promote a cheap alternativ­e to their acidreduci­ng drugs (which, of course, you took for life).

The parallels with type 2 diabetes are clear. As the thousands of those affected i n Ireland will know, type 2 is usually treated with medication. While this will reduce the long-term damage caused by high blood sugar levels, it doesn’t deal with the underlying disease — and like all medication, the drugs can have significan­t side-effects, particular­ly when you move on to injecting insulin.

So how long before there’s widespread acceptance that most cases of type 2 diabetes can be put into remission by a rapid weight-loss diet? It is beginning to happen, but I wouldn’t guarantee that health services will be telling you the good news any time soon.

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Pictures: GETTY

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