Irish Daily Mail


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CHILDREN ‘play’, and adults ‘experiment’. Yet there’s one thing these pastimes have in common: failure Is part of the process. Without the possibilit­y of winning or losing, there’s little prospect of successful­ly finding answers. As Venus and Neptune align this weekend, they encourage the gentle assessment of mistakes, and help us let go of what we no longer need. What remains in our hearts will be all that matters.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 IT WAS easy to distinguis­h a burglar in old comic books; they were dressed in stripy T-shirts, and flat caps, and carried a sack full of plunder over their shoulder. How they weren’t immediatel­y spotted and reported to law-enforcemen­t agencies is mystifying! As grown-ups, we realise that it’s not so easy to spot people who are up to no good. This weekend, be on the lookout for the ‘time thief’. Although someone’s demands may seem innocent enough, don’t waste your ‘down time’ on their issues. Even if you don’t usually hear your forecast, it contains valuable guidance. For good news, call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 WE’RE so conscious of the fact that there’s a time and a place for everything that, even with the complexiti­es of the anti-virus Tier system, we try to organise ourselves so that we’re in the right place at the right moment. Yet it’s not always obvious that we succeed; sometimes, the ‘right’ thing looks very wrong and the ‘wrong’ thing turns out to be spot on. As Venus and Neptune link, work on the theory that true wisdom involves accepting that there are some things you’ll never know. And trust your instincts. Ease your troubles. Find valuable support. Your latest forecast contains helpful informatio­n. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 YOU’RE here for your weekend prediction aren’t you? What’s more, you’d like it immediatel­y. But, how badly do you want it? What lengths are you willing to go to? Right now, you’re ready to do almost anything in order to have a wish fulfilled. Yet, suppose I’m one of those unprincipl­ed individual­s who’ll take advantage of your desires? Fortunatel­y, this weekend you have the inner wisdom to be able to spot anyone who tries to profit from your needs. Your moral compass is finely tuned. Uncertain? There’s an important message when you call your latest fourminute, guide to the week: 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 STUDENT lawyers spend 99% of their time memorising precedents, rulings, statutes and decrees. Yet, until they’ve had their practical sessions in a courtroom, they have no idea what it’s really like to be a lawyer. Theory and knowledge are no substitute for experience.

Living by the book gets you so far, but we all need a more dynamic view. Throw out the ‘what-ifs’ and the ‘wherefores’ this weekend. Trust that you’ve been here before, and that you know what to do … because you do. Feeling stressed or overwhelme­d? Just four minutes of your time can help you find a way to cope. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 IF ONLY you could recall why you decided to come down and live here on this spinning ball of rock. Were you tempted by the adventures and challenges it guarantees? Or were you hoping for sensory pleasures and physical satisfacti­on? The truth is that it was undoubtedl­y a much more noble purpose that inspired you to commit to a human existence. You’re capable of bringing great joy to others. Your Leo enthusiasm and zest for life is being encouraged this weekend. Share your hope. The cosmos has a powerful message for you. For a prediction that will inspire you, call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 EVEN in these challengin­g times, every day’s filled with latent possibilit­ies. You can always get out of bed and do something different. Just a slight change of approach, a tweaked perspectiv­e, can make a world of difference. When you seize the day, the day takes you in new directions. Yet, most of the time, we just keep on doing the same old thing, in the same old way. Autopilot kicks in and, before we know it, days and weeks have passed us by. This weekend, you can break free of a tired tradition. There’s a ray of hope shining through the challenges. Be encouraged by the cosmic climate. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 AS VENUS and Neptune link this weekend, a significan­t improvemen­t is possible. It’s time to step out of the shadow and claim something that’s rightfully yours. Even if you’re not brimming with confidence, this isn’t the time to shrink into the background, or let someone else take star billing. Your talents need to be recognised. The world needs you to reveal your skills and use them in the service of others. You have the ability to fully understand a complex situation. Your insight will be much appreciate­d. For excellent advice to guide you through the twists and turns ahead, call your latest forecast: 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 WHO’S been dictating your agenda and authorisin­g you to do (or not do) this or that? Why do they have more power than you? Did they make the rules? Although we’re all bound to take sensible precaution­s to protect one another, right now, in one area of your personal life, it’s time for a rebellion. You’re in a defiant mood. As long as you respect social protocols, this weekend brings the courage to break free of a tiresome situation. The Venus/ Neptune link brings the insight to make a powerful decision. Need some support? What’s the best way to move ahead and plan for the future? Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 YOU need to be kind to yourself. Well … you don’t technicall­y ‘need’ to. There’s no law that says you must, and I certainly can’t force you. No interstell­ar enforcemen­t patrol will swoop down and order you to treat yourself to something special. But, unless we look to our own needs, how will we ever find happiness, or be kind to others? And how will anyone know to be kind to you? Kindness breeds kindness. It’s time to stop putting yourself through the wringer, and treat yourself as you deserve to be treated. When it all feels too much, and you’re not getting the help you need, pick up the phone. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 SOME itches need to be ignored; scratching them makes them worse. And, if we value peace of mind, some questions should never be asked. This weekend, as Venus and Neptune link, you can get to grips with a situation that has been irritating you for some while. But, if you really seek resolution, you need to adopt a ‘softly, softly’ approach. A subtle investigat­ion will bring rewarding insights, and enable you to gently alter your perspectiv­e. A soothing remedy to an irritating situation is possible. Unsure about the direction you’re heading in, and what to do for the best, there’s valuable advice. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 SOME of the strongest substances on our planet were forged under immense pressure. Diamonds, for instance, were formed in Earth’s mantle, more than 90 miles beneath its surface and in temperatur­es of more than 1,050 celsius. They were expelled to the surface in volcanic eruptions. Luckily, you’re not subject to the same levels of pressure this weekend. Yet, even the most solid foundation has a breaking point. Although you’re being tested, the resultant riches make it worthwhile. Worried? There’s a valuable message for you when you call your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES NOT all our Feb 20 - Mar 20 encounters with others are simple to categorise. We might be pleased, in one way, that we have a certain person in our lives, yet regretful things aren’t working out as well as we’d wished. We sometimes doubt our ability to judge character, and are uncertain whether we want a connection to continue. This weekend, as Venus and Neptune (your ruling planet) link, we find you re-evaluating a sensitive relationsh­ip. Stay open-minded; there’s a strong chance the good outweighs the bad. If you’re overwhelme­d and not sure how to cope, there’s a way forward. Your forecast will help. Call 1550 511 611.

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