Irish Daily Mail

School is out again and still no lesson has been learned by our leaders

- Lisa Brady

I’M not a fan of New Year’s resolution­s. It’s been well researched that they don’t last and if there was ever a time to ignore this ridiculous ritual, it’s during a worldwide pandemic.

However, as we waved goodbye to the clanger that was 2020, I had a notion to become more mindful in 2021. To slow down, to concentrat­e on one task at a time, and do it as best as I could.

I can tell you, as the first week of this new year draws to a close, that in fact, I should have resigned myself to doing the complete opposite. I don’t quite have the luxury of doing one task at a time at the moment. In fact, I’m stressed out of my mind.

You’d really think that by now, we’d have gotten this lockdown business down to a tee. After all, it’s taken three, and, back in September, the nation was promised that the initial overwhelm and chaos lockdown brought would be a thing of the past.

Remember that lengthy tome, the Government’s Plan for Living with Covid-19? It stated firmly that: ‘Ireland is moving from a short-term emergency response approach to a medium-term approach to managing risk and repairing the damage that Covid-19 has inflicted on society.’

So riddle me this: why is it that I – and every other parent in Ireland – are right back to where we were last March? Tearing our hair out as we try, yet again, to manage working from home as well as doing what’s best for our children?

Could it be that we have been sold a pup? That actually, the children – even more so those with special needs – and long- suffering parents have actually been sidelined, with no effective system in place at all to cope with the third Level 5 lockdown? Where is our national online teaching system? A structure for continued assessment and calculated grades? Where is the support and resources for parents? Or options for them to take leave from their jobs for childcare, for example, while lockdown measures continue to be enforced?

From what I can see, there has been no cohesive plan to help families at all in this, our third lockdown. Not only that, but the U-turn by Education Minister Norma Foley (left) this week on plans for Leaving Cert students and special needs children to return to the classroom just proves that our Government have been winging it all along. Either that, or they have no idea of the hardship faced by families who have been left to paddle their own canoes, and are, as a result, drowning.

Someone mentioned homeschool­ing to me in conversati­on this week, and it was enough to bring me out in a cold sweat. I wasn’t prepared for this. I thought those days were behind us – or, at least, I imagined that should they return, we would be aided through this mammoth task.

I tried homeschool­ing my daughter Lana-Rose, who is in senior infants, last year. It was a thing of horror. I was so frustrated. I just wanted my poor child to write the letter ‘b’ instead of ‘d’ so I could try to cobble together another few minutes of work, so, you know, I didn’t lose my job; so I could continue to pay the mortgage and keep a roof over our heads.

And now, it’s back – the guilt of letting her down, the same feeling I get every time I plonk her and her sister in front of YouTube in desperatio­n. I’m not doing the best for my children. And I’m not doing my best in my job. How can I? How can any parent? Apparently distance learning is starting from her school on Monday, so it looks like it’s back to trying to play teacher – that’s when I get the chance. And then there’s my fouryear-old who attends ECCE. I’ve no clue what to do with her this month. It’s bad enough they are missing the social aspects of developmen­t – but now their learning is being affected, too.

It’s not the schools’ fault. This lack of foresight comes f rom the top, and, once again, parents and children will suffer. I’m actually one of the lucky ones: I don’t have a special needs child or one facing state exams. God help the kids – and parents – who have to struggle on in such devastatin­g circumstan­ces. The anxiety they must be suffering. I don’t understand it. They knew this was coming, the third surge. If this is the State’s ‘medium-term approach’, it’s a shoddy effort.

The reality is there is no proper plan for ‘Living with Covid’. Not for families, anyway. So we must simply try to live around it, and, as parents, continue to juggle it all – do our jobs and teach our children and look after the house and try not to burn out in the process.

It strikes me, as this year gets off to a most chaotic start, that I got my intentions all wrong. Instead of being mindful, I should take a leaf out of our policy makers book, and try not to care as much. Adopt a laissez-faire approach.

It’s the only way we can live with Covid – or so it seems.

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