Irish Daily Mail

I’m off blood pressure tablets


JACKIE FRITH, 52, is a life coach. She says: I HAVE been able to come off the blood pressure tablets I’d been on for years. And I have started visiting a personal trainer once a week and exercising more. Until my weight loss, both of these things would have been unthinkabl­e.

I was a stone overweight at the start of 2020 and, during the first lockdown, I put on another stone. At 5 ft 5 in and weighing over 12 st [BMI 28.8, ‘overweight’], I felt bloated and lacking in energy.

It was in July that I found out about The Fast 800. After 12 weeks, I had lost more than 2 st (12.7 kg). My blood pressure had risen with my weight and, at one point, had been 160/100, but before Christmas it was down to a normal 127/80. It has made me fitter, too.

I’ve got fibromyalg­ia, which causes chronic pain and stiffness all over my body, and I’m often in agony. But now, with my increased activity, I’m not as stiff as I was. My thinking is also clearer.

I started going through the menopause a year or so ago. One of my symptoms was brain fog but I’ve recently been training for a new job and I’ve noticed that I’m picking things up far more quickly than I would have done a year ago.

One of the things I love most about The Fast 800 is that all the meal planning is done for you, which is helpful as a busy working woman.

The first couple of weeks were really difficult. I craved treats such as chocolate and pizza. But those cravings have reduced over time. I’ve now got dark chocolate in my cupboard and, if I fancy it, I’ll have one square.

I put on a few pounds over Christmas but I’m not worried. I know that I won’t let myself get back up to 12 st again.

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Fighting fit: Jackie now and (left) pre-diet
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