Irish Daily Mail

It has reversed type 2 diabetes


MIKE YEATMAN, 54, is a former publican and now lives in Spain with wife Christine, 55. He has two grown-up daughters. He says: SINCE I started on The Fast 800 last March, I’ve lost 3st 4lbs (21 kg) — the equivalent of 21 bags of sugar — and reversed my type 2 diabetes.

It was receiving that diagnosis in February last year that was the wake-up call I needed.

I was scared. It’s one thing thinking you’re overweight and middle-aged, but another to be told you have an illness that could see you losing toes or take ten years off your life. I’m 6 ft 1 in and my GP said I was 17 st 4 lb [BMI 32, ‘obese’].

My wife and I were running a busy pub, so I was on my feet all day, but I hadn’t done any ‘proper’ exercise for years. Also, customers would buy me drinks and it wasn’t unusual for me to finish work at 2am and then tuck into a cheeseboar­d and wine.

My GP suggested that, rather than medication, I try losing weight and doing more exercise, and a friend suggested The Fast 800 diet.

When the first lockdown was announced last March, we had to close the pub so I knew I’d have time to cook from scratch and exercise, so I gave it a go, and as Chris also wanted to lose weight, so did she. We were never hungry. We made fresh soups, which were filling and tasty.

Within two weeks, I’d lost a stone. Christine says I am not snoring as much. It has changed my life. My blood sugar levels have gone from 55 [48-plus is ‘diabetic’] down to 32 [‘normal’ is below 42]. It has changed my life.

 ??  ?? Healthier: Mike today and (left) before the plan
Healthier: Mike today and (left) before the plan
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