Irish Daily Mail

Irish lorry driver was ‘horrified’ by his role in deaths of 39 migrants

Mitigation plea to court as smugglers await sentence

- By Emily Pennink

THE Irish lorry driver who discovered the bodies of 39 migrants in the back of his trailer had been ‘blind to the risks’ of people smuggling, a court has heard.

The Vietnamese victims, aged between 15 and 44, had suffocated in the sealed container as it was shipped from Zeebrugge in Belgium to Purfleet in Essex, England, in October 2019.

Maurice Robinson, 26, was left in shock after he opened the doors and found they were all dead, the Old Bailey court in London was told.

His boss and ringleader in the operation Ronan Hughes, 41, had told him to give them air quickly after collecting the trailer from the docks.

Robinson, who had called Hughes before 999, replied: ‘I can’t, they are f****** dead.’

Robinson, of Craigavon, Co. Armagh, and Hughes, also of Co. Armagh, had pleaded guilty to the manslaught­ers and a plot to people- smuggle dating back to May 2018.

Robinson, who took cash to the North for Hughes, has also admitted a money-laundering offence.

They appeared at the Old Bailey to be sentenced with six other defendants.

In mitigation, Tyrone Smith QC accepted Robinson had misled authoritie­s by failing to say that Hughes had sent him a message instructin­g him to ‘give them air quickly, don’t let them out’ before he found the bodies.

Mr Smith said Robinson had been ‘brave’ in giving full details to police afterwards, which not only incriminat­ed himself but others. Robinson had been a ‘ hard-working and wellliked young man’ whose involvemen­t had shocked those who knew him, the court heard.

Mr Smith said: ‘We do not seek to blame anybody else. He was blind to the risks we can now say were obvious and should have been obvious to him.

‘It has taken these awful events f or the defendant to reflect properly on what he has done. If only he had stopped and thought in advance, but perhaps for his own reasons he blinded himself to the obvious risks.’

‘He is horrified by what he saw. He was horrified by his role in bringing about these deaths.’

Coming from a small community, his actions had brought a ‘stain’ on his family and at the time of the deaths his partner had been pregnant, the court heard.

Tim Moloney QC, for Hughes, said: ‘The defendant did not intend any harm to migrants.

‘It was not obvious to him the actions created the risk of death or serious harm.

‘Mr Hughes is clear, prior to the Clementine (ship) setting off, he did not know there were close to 40 migrants in the container.

‘He does not say if he had known there were 39 he would have refused to continue.’ If he had known earlier he would still have carried on with the enterprise, the court heard, but Mr Moloney added: ‘That’s not because he did not care less what happened to the migrants.’

Eamonn Harrison, 24, from Co. Down, had transporte­d the people to Zeebrugge on the fateful journey and was found guilty of smuggling and the manslaught­ers. His lawyer Alisdair Williamson QC said he was an ‘inadequate young man’ with ADHD but not ‘cynical or greedy’. Rather, he was working f or Hughes to pay off his debt after crashing one of his trucks while drunk, the court heard.

Gheorghe Nica, 43, from Basildon in Essex, was a ringleader responsibl­e for organising onward transport after the migrants arrived in Hughes’s lorries.

Aftab Jafferjee QC, for Nica, referred to harrowing evidence of the victims’ desperate f i nal messages to their families as they struggled to breathe i n the sweltering trailer. He said: ‘The messages from the victims in this case that were played and the victim impact statements were plainly moving, but it is accepted on both sides harm was never in the contemplat­ion of anyone.’

Sentence is expected to be passed on the defendants on a later date. The maximum term for manslaught­er is life in prison.

‘He was blind to the risks’

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 ??  ?? Offences: Ringleader Ronan Hughes, left, and driver Eamonn Harrison are guilty over smuggling plot and manslaught­ers
Offences: Ringleader Ronan Hughes, left, and driver Eamonn Harrison are guilty over smuggling plot and manslaught­ers
 ??  ?? Case: Maurice Robinson found bodies in his trailer, below
Case: Maurice Robinson found bodies in his trailer, below

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