Irish Daily Mail

How we walked away from TYPE 2 DIABETES

Meet the people who have lost 10st and transforme­d their lives... and YOU can too


NEED to lose weight, want to get fitter and healthier? Every week for the next month the Irish Daily Mail is running a unique 30day Health Kick programme packed with advice to help get your health back on track. And if you need more motivation, read the inspiring stories here of three people who’ve reversed their type 2 diabetes and transforme­d their lives — by walking!

JAN MATHER, 64, a retired university lecturer, has lost more than 6st (39kg) and halved her blood sugar levels in a weight-loss journey that started a year and a half ago, and accelerate­d when her circumstan­ces changed in lockdown.

This staggering health improvemen­t has pushed her type 2 diabetes into remission, allowing her to come off all the diabetes medication she’s been taking for ten years.

‘My doctor was amazed,’ she says. ‘Taking control of my weight and health i s an achievemen­t I’ve striven for all my life.’

And the simple secret to Jan’s success? Eating less and going for long walks.

‘After having thyroid cancer in my 30s, I was left with a slow metabolism and I struggled with my weight,’ says Jan, who lives with her husband Andy, 62, a retired laboratory manager.

‘For many years my own health fell to the bottom of the list of priorities as I was caring for my severely disabled son Jamie. I was diagnosed with type 2 about ten years ago, but I just took medication for it.

‘Over the years I think we had fallen into the habit of using food as a comfort — we cooked and ate well, but it was all quite high in fat and carbohydra­tes, and l arge portions.’

Jan’s son moved into residentia­l care in 2011, and over time, her life became calmer. But just as husband Andy retired in 2017, he was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer.

After undergoing two years of treatment, Andy’s health stabilised. In July 2019, he decided to overhaul his health in order to give his treatment every chance of success, so he quit smoking and suggested to Jan that they changed their diets.

WECUT sugar, fat and processed food out of our diets,’ says Jan. ‘Then, in July 2020 we signed up to do a walking challenge.’ They pledged to do a million steps over three months, as part of a charity fundraiser called the One Million Step Challenge.

‘We broke it down to about 10,000 steps a day,’ says Jan. ‘That’s when the inches started to come off. My jean size has gone from a 24 to a 12. At my heaviest I was 19st 8lb [124kg], and now I am 13st 7lb [85kg].’ Her blood sugar levels are down from the 80s (severe diabetes) to 41 (normal).

She adds: ‘And I feel more confident because I have committed to something and made it work. This change is a permanent one — I will never go back to how I was, because I have so much more energy and the diabetes complicati­ons such as pins and needles have all gone. It’s like I’m getting younger.’

Jan’s transforma­tion is the result of a few things coming together at once.

As a researcher trained in social anthropolo­gy and the dynamics of human behaviour, I work on projects to improve the nation’s health and wellbeing.

The teams I work with interview people about their lifestyles and monitor their behaviour, so we can understand how to help them change. And time and again we find that behaviour change is less a sudden magic bullet and more a multi-factored slow burn: people who change have often tried many times before, and when they finally succeed, it’s usually the result of circumstan­ces as much as resolve.

And for thousands of people in lockdown over the past ten months, these factors have come together and shifted into place. Personal motivation­s — such as Jan’s husband’s cancer diagnosis

— along with fear of Covid-19 and a break in normal routine, have meant that many people have suddenly been able to make changes that would have seemed impossible before.

Ian Partridge, 58, had his own lockdown turnaround, thanks to the walking challenge, a change in diet and a shift in mindset.

‘Until the pandemic, I didn’t want to know,’ says Ian, who lives with his wife Avril, 54, an emergency responder, and son Daniel, 32.

‘At 17st 6lb [111 kg], even being diagnosed with type 2 didn’t stop me eating whatever I wanted. I just took the medication.’

For years, Ian’s daily diet would include several sandwiches and pies, fizzy drinks, vending-machine snacks, on top of three high-calorie meals a day.

He suffered from extreme tiredness and low mood, and he would often fall asleep in front of the TV.

‘His snoring was horrendous,’ says Avril, ‘and he couldn’t take a joke. He was becoming very difficult to live with.’

Ian adds: ‘When I look back now, I feel lucky that my family are still with me. We argued a lot because Avril was always on at me about my lifestyle. “You’re not in the Army now”, she would tell me, “you don’t need to be eating all the time.” ’

IAN,who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes four years ago, had a ‘light bulb moment’ during lockdown. ‘It was the perfect storm for me; I had the time to change,’ he says. ‘I was working from home and saw the reports saying being obese and having diabetes would put me at a higher risk of dying from Covid-19.

‘That really focused my mind. I knew that type 2 can often be controlled through diet and exercise, and I thought: “Now is the time.” ’

Like Jan, Ian signed up for the One Million Step Challenge. ‘I was easily beating the target of 10,000 steps a day,’ says Ian, ‘ and most days I was doing 20,000.’

But while Ian felt more cheerful and energetic, he wasn’t seeing the shift on the scales.

‘Then I had my light bulb moment

and sorted out my diet,’ he says. Ian cut right back on refined carbohydra­tes such as white bread, pasta and pastry, and increased his fruit and veg intake. He stopped buying processed foods and takeaways altogether, and his weight dropped from 17st 6lb [111kg] to 15st 3lb [97kg] in four months. His blood sugar is now less than half of when he was diagnosed.

‘My nurse has halved my diabetes medication,’ says Ian, with pride.

‘I feel so different now. I’m not some crusty old bloke snapping at everyone. I sleep better and a lot of the weight I lost was off my neck, so I breathe easier. Avril says I don’t snore like I did.

‘The mood in the house is a lot lighter, and my marriage is great. We l augh more and are more intimate.

‘I feel like I’m ageing backwards, and I’m going to keep going. I’ve even started to run several times a week,’ adds Ian, ‘which I would never have believed possible. I couldn’t run 200 metres before. My goal is to come off medication entirely.’

The ‘perfect storm’ moment Ian describes proves what behaviour change experts have long been telling us — that genuine transforma­tion takes place when we have a mix of motivation and opportunit­y for change.

Lockdowns, while distressin­g and difficult in many ways, can give huge numbers of people the motivation to improve their health. And as we move into 2021 and further lockdowns, with the rapidly spreading variant of Covid-19, we all find ourselves facing new disruption­s.

The question is, whether each of us can make the restrictio­ns we find ourselves in, work for us.

Caroline Williams, 56, a clinic co- ordinator, has found working from home transforme­d her eating pattern of constant snacking to structured mealtimes instead.

‘I work in such a busy environmen­t that it’s hard to take a proper lunchbreak,’ says Caroline. ‘You get into the habit of snacking all day at your desk, and people bring in a lot of cake.’

At 5ft 3in, Caroline says she has struggled with her weight since her 20s and at the start of last year was a size 22.

‘Over the years I’ve tried exercise on-and-off and I was a classic yoyo dieter,’ she says.

Then, 11 years ago, after ‘feeling very run down’ she had some blood tests and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

‘To start with I was of a mind-set where I thought: “It’s only type 2”,’ she says.

‘It wasn’t until I learnt that it could lead to strokes and amputation­s that I took it seriously.

‘I tried to control it by going to slimming clubs, but it didn’t work. I joined a running club, but I tore a muscle, and I found the gym intimidati­ng.’

But the start of the pandemic gave Caroline the breakthrou­gh and incentive she had been looking for.

‘I kept listening to the news about Covid-19, and when they reported the death rate they kept saying “underlying health condition”,’ she says. ‘ “That’s me,” I thought, because I have diabetes.’

Caroline, like the close of the thwo-thirds of Irish people who are overweight or obese, is at increased risk of complicati­ons from Covid-19 if they develop it.

‘When Boris Johnson got sick it really hit home,’ says Caroline. ‘When he went to hospital, I thought: “They’ll pull out all the stops to make sure he doesn’t die”. But he kept getting worse. That’s when I thought: “If there is something I can do to increase my chances of survival, I have to do it.” ’

ASwell as changing her eating habits, Caroline signed up for the One Million Step Challenge, and ‘it turned my life around’, she says. ‘I powerwalke­d about 6km a day,’ she explains, ‘and it just made me feel great.’

Fast walking, eating three sensible meals a day and avoiding snacks was enough for her to start seeing the weight plummet. ‘I lost 2st in seven months,’ says Caroline, who has now dropped just over two dress sizes.

Her blood sugar has nearly halved from its highest point — she was at 75 and now is at 42 — and she hopes that, in time, she will be able to come off medication entirely.

‘The changes I made in lockdown will mean I live a longer and healthier life,’ she says.

Dan Howarth, a di abetes specialist nurse and head of care, says: ‘With type 2, the vast majority of cases can be prevented, delayed or improved through lifestyle changes.

‘When somebody exercises, their body uses sugar more effectivel­y. People with type 2 will find that exercise makes their body more receptive to insulin, which means that sugar is moved to the muscles and cells, rather than staying in the bloodstrea­m where it is doing harm.

‘People really can experience remission of type 2 diabetes through diet and exercise.’

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Slimmer: Caroline Williams (top left, today, and inset left, before), Ian Partridge (centre) and Jan Mather (right)

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