Irish Daily Mail

Accountabi­lity needed over mother and baby homes

- DENNIS FITZGERALD, Melbourne, Australia.

FIANNA Fáil leader and Taoiseach Micheál Martin is expected to issue an apology for the crimes committed against the children and women involved in the mother and baby homes scandal.

This scandal did not occur over a short period or in total secrecy. It occurred throughout the whole centenary of our State’s existence. The Fianna Fáil party and, to a lesser extent, Fine Gael were in power throughout this period. They had a duty of care which they utterly failed to honour.

We have heard far too many and far too belated apologies for this and other scandals, so much so that the issuing of such apologies should perhaps be ended. The focus should be on achieving real justice for this and other scandals in a timely and appropriat­e way.

We must also focus on accountabi­lity for those culpable in spite of the unforgivab­le delays.

EDWARD HORGAN, Castletroy, Co. Limerick.

Donald’s not to blame

PRESIDENT Trump’s entire speech at the recent Save America March i s viewable in f ull on YouTube. At one point, he says: ‘I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotica­lly make your voices heard.’

Despite this clear call from Trump for peaceful protest, a group of thugs within the crowd chose to ignore it and forced their way into the Capitol building.

I have no affiliatio­n for Trump, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. However, I treasure dearly accurate and fair news reporting. Therefore, I have found many of the media’s reports on this event deeply unsettling.

Disturbing­ly, several media outlets have clearly attempted to associate the riot directly with, and as a result of, Trump’s speech. Without challengin­g any commentato­r to substantia­te their allegation­s, many media outlets have given air time and column inches to his political opponents to openly brand him ‘the insurrecti­on president’, claiming that his speech ‘incited’ the riot.

In this case, it is clear that many media outlets have wilfully dispensed with basic legal knowledge which they must have of what constitute­s i nsurrectio­n and incitement. Such dangerous and reckless journalism is an act of pure vandalism against the memory of those who fought and died in previous wars for the right to a free press. Lest we forget. MICHAEL STAUNTON,

Malahide, Co. Dublin.

Troublemak­er Trump

THE letter from Paul Price (Mail, yesterday) asks who was really behind the Capitol Hill invasion. He laughably suggests it was Joe Biden and the Democrats.

I think Paul convenient­ly ignores the thuggish language coming from Donald Trump over the last three months. ‘If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck – then it’s almost certainly a duck’. Look no further than the current incumbent – not for much longer, thankfully – of 1600 Pennsylvan­ia Avenue to know where the guilt lies. SEAN HEALY, Waterford.

... PAUL Price said in his letter that Biden put some agent provocateu­r in the Trump crowd who attacked the Capitol. I would like to remind him that Trump has enough loony followers without inserting any more.

JOHN MAYE, Galway.

... THE latest news from the White House and the Trump administra­tion is that a number of restrictio­ns on Taiwan are being lifted, which pleases Taiwan and annoys China. Although the Trump administra­tion has only a few days to go, the concern is that they will be going out in a burning disaster of pardons, offences and diplomatic disasters.

Since Trump won the 2016 presidenti­al election, it has been a nightmare, although most of the world is soon going to wake to a saner and happier world.

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