Irish Daily Mail

Satellite choice


FANTASY TALE Magical Adventures In The Forbidden City, 2.05pm, Sky Premiere

THIS Russian-made, dubbed fantasy is set in a city locked down by an epidemic. Tinatin Dalakishvi­li (pictured) is the young woman surrounded by magic.

SOCCER Sheffield United v Newcastle United, 5.30pm, Sky Main Event & Premier League

THE Blades finally got a first win of the season in the FA Cup on Saturday, but they need to follow that up with victory over Newcastle to prevent their hopes Premier League survival slipping further away. The late kick-offs see Burnley hosting Manchester United (8pm, Sky Main Event), while Wolves face Everton (8pm, Sky Premier League).

FUNNY FILM Three Amigos, 6.55pm, Film4

THIS Western comedy is somewhat uneven, but the titular trio of Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short manage to provide more than a few laughs.

BODY LANGUAGE Animals Decoded, 8pm, Sky Nature

IMAGINE how different the world would be if we could communicat­e directly with animals. This new series follows scientists as they try to decipher the gestures, looks and postures that convey so much between citizens of the animal kingdom. (Sky 130)

BY GEORGE! Frank Skinner On George Formby, 9pm, BBC4

SKINNER is a big fan of George Formby, and his delight at making this profile of the ukulele-playing comic from the Thirties and Forties is evident. Skinner even shows off his own skills on the ukulele across an hour that starts in Formby’s ‘spiritual home’ of Blackpool.

COUNTRY ESTATE Chatsworth House: A Great British Year, 9pm, More4

DESPITE the lack of visitors to the house, there’s plenty to do elsewhere on the 35,000-acre estate – 2,000 ewes are due to give birth, while the farm shop has become a delivery service. Meanwhile, the duke and duchess, Peregrine and Amanda Cavendish, are living in just three of the 175 rooms.

DOOMED EXPEDITION Endurance: The Hunt For Shackleton’s Ice Ship, 9pm, Sky History

ERNEST SHACKLETON’S ship sank in 1915; does a new expedition have the data, technology and cando to finally locate the wreck?

The team provide an interestin­g lesson in history and science on the way, before coming to a point of peril that nobody wanted.

ASSASSINAT­ION CASE The Art Of Political Murder, 9pm, Sky Documentar­ies

IN 1998, human rights activist Bishop Gerardi was killed after announcing the release of his report on the Guatemalan Civil War. This documentar­y, produced by George Clooney, goes through the case point by point. (Sky 114)

DOUBLE ACT 2 Dope Queens, 9pm, Sky Comedy

NEW YORK is a big part of this new series of comedy nights hosted from Brooklyn’s Kings Theatre by podcast stars Jessica Williams and Phoebe Robinson (pictured). Williams used to work with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show in Manhattan, and Stewart swings by to reminisce about the city.

HORROR FLICK Follow Me, 10pm, Sky Premiere

WITH a mix of elements from a lot of other horror movies, this follows a social media video influencer to Russia, where an escape room experience turns terrifying.

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