Irish Daily Mail

The four stretches that make everyone feel SLEEPY

During the day your brain is on high alert so our sleep experts regularly prescribe an unusual cure . . .

- By Dr Frank Lipman and Neil Parikh

RESTORATIV­E, or lowintensi­ty movement that’s deeply relaxing for the body, is a subtle but powerful tool in anyone’s sleep kit. As well as stretching out muscles, it can soothe a frazzled sympatheti­c nervous system and improve your stress response.

As a rule of thumb, restorativ­e movement is something that feels relaxing and doesn’t get your heart rate up too much. Some examples include going for a walk, Tai Chi or yoga.

Over the course of the day, we naturally build up tension just going about our business. Your brain usually takes your body’s lead, so if your muscles are tense and your breathing is short and shallow, then your brain goes into stress mode, pumping out cortisol to keep you on high alert. And if not released properly, we head to bed with, quite literally, a head full of stress.

When you can release that tension, relax your muscles and deepen your breath, you’re not only creating a more relaxed body, you’re also creating a more relaxed mind, as well as a perfectly calibrated neurochemi­stry that encourages better sleep.


THESE poses have been part of Frank’s ‘prescripti­ons’ for patients for years and are particular­ly helpful in the evening just before bed to power down. Just a short time spent in them is the ultimate sleep send-off, not to mention a great way to fend off night time wakeups caused by pain or cramping.

They will put your mind at ease, steady your breath and reduce muscle tension without getting your heart rate up, creating the perfect conditions for you and your body to receive sleep.


THIS modified version of the head to knee bend pose ensures that you can rest your forehead on a soft surface, thereby fully activating the relaxing benefits of the stretch.

Sit on the ground or a mat with your legs stretched out in front of your body. Arrange a chair in front of you so you’ll be able to comfortabl­y rest your head on its seat. You will want to pad it a bit with a folded towel or cushion.

Bend your right leg in toward your chest and then open the right hip so that the right foot connects to the inside of your left leg close to the groin.

Reach forward toward your left leg to stretch, resting your head on the chair and your arms on your left shin or ankle. You don’t want to feel too much strain in your leg. Stay in this position for up to 30 seconds total. Then slowly lift your arms up and repeat on the right side.


THIS posture, a modified version of the reclined cobbler pose in yoga, only takes about five minutes to generate a strong beneficial effect that calms the breathing and softens the emotional centre of the chest. It also comes in handy after meals to soothe digestion, if that’s an issue for you.

Before you get comfortabl­e, grab a yoga bolster, sofa cushion (a rectangula­r one from the back), or two neatly folded towels. You’ll also want a thick blanket folded in thirds, or another towel folded the same. You might also want additional towels or blankets to use as additional supports, especially if you have tight hips.

Sit on the floor with loosely crossed legs. Snuggle the short edge of your cushion up against your sacrum at the base of the spine. Lie back and place the yoga blanket or towel under your head for support.

Your head should be higher than your heart, and your chin parallel to the floor, not tipping up to the ceiling or down to your chest. If your knees are hovering above the ground, feel free to tuck the extra blankets or towels under each knee so your legs can completely relax.

You’ll know when you’ve hit the mark on your supports — your whole body will feel blissfully ‘held’ and relaxed. (We’re sleepy just writing about it.)

Melt into this posture for about ten to 15 minutes, watching as your breath moves in and out of your body. Don’t force your breath, just notice that it’s flowing.


THIS do-anywhere pose regulates blood pressure, refreshes the abdominal organs and encourages circulatio­n (for some people, it can even offer relief from

varicose veins). First, locate a blanket or towel you can use to cushion your bottom and/or head, along with a wall that has an unobstruct­ed bit of floor in front of it.

Sit with your side to the wall with your knees bent so that your left hip is pressed up against the wall. Slowly roll onto your back so that your bottom is right up against the wall with both feet just above. Extend your feet straight so that your body forms an L, keeping your bottom as close to the wall as your hamstrings will allow.

You may want to put a cushion under your bottom and/or under your head. Make sure your chin stays parallel to the floor, not tipping up to the ceiling or pressing down to your chest. Extend your arms to your side and bend them at the elbows 90 degrees so they’re making a ‘cactus’ shape.

Relax your head, face, neck, shoulders and belly. Breathe, and stay in this pose for ten to 15 minutes. To come out, bring your knees back into your chest and roll to one side.

Note: It’s normal to feel a slight tingling in your legs. But if it becomes painful, bring your legs down and take an easy cross-legged position with your legs still resting on the wall.


ALSO known as savasana, this closing posture for your practice helps seal in all that relaxing work you just did. Lie flat on your back on the floor or bed, comfortabl­y. Keep eyes closed and separate your feet about a foot apart. Keep your arms out by your sides, with palms facing up. With eyes closed, silently instruct your body to relax.

Slowly move your attention to each part of your body, from your left foot to your left leg and then move your way to the right feet and legs, followed by your hips, abdomen, chest, hands, arms. Then move your attention to each part of your head.

Focus on imagining and relaxing all of your organs — your brain, lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, colon, bladder. Bring your attention to all of your five senses, which will automatica­lly start to surrender.

Finally, begin to observe your own mind without attaching to any particular thought, but rather allowing thoughts to arise and melt away.

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