Irish Daily Mail



GETTING a good night’s sleep is one of your best defences against ageing quickly. One of the biggest misconcept­ions is that you need less sleep when you get older. But that is not the case. You may find it harder to sleep but that doesn’t mean you still don’t need seven to eight hours a night.

So why does ageing affect sleep? Older adults spend more time in the lighter stages of sleep than in deep sleep, which can make it more difficult to stay asleep and also explains why the body is performing its nightly reparative processes less efficientl­y. Your circadian rhythm also begins to change, causing many older people to get sleepier earlier in the evening and wake earlier in the morning. Medical conditions and the medication­s used to treat them have also been identified as a major cause behind sleep disturbanc­es in older sleepers.

Health problems such as arthritis and restless legs syndrome can cause discomfort that makes it harder to fall asleep. An enlarged prostate will cause you to wake frequently and go to the bathroom. Napping for too long will also throw off the rhythm, as will relying on caffeine for a second wind in the late afternoon.

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