Irish Daily Mail

You’re hired! Apprentice reforms rolled out

- By John Drennan

EMPLOYERS are to receive a grant of almost €3,000 to take on more apprentice­s under new proposals from Further and Higher Education Minister Simon Harris which aim to double the amount of apprentice­ships available.

In a new developmen­t, €2,666 per apprentice will be available for firms who attempt to balance excesses of one gender above another.

This aims to rebalance trades like hairdressi­ng where more than 80% of apprentice­s are female and introduce more women to male-dominated jobs such as plumbing and mechanics. In general, most apprentice­ships in Ireland are still mostly dominated by men.

Minister Harris’s 63-part Action Plan aims to increase the number of apprentice­ships from 5,000 to 10,000 in just four years’ time.

To improve social inclusion, the plan will also contain a bursary programme for a maximum of 100 apprentice­s per annum who experience socio-economic disadvanta­ge, including lone parents, disabled people and Travellers.

This will be paid at a rate of €5,000 per annum and goes to the apprentice. Commenting on the proposals, Mr Harris said: ‘Apprentice­ships represent one of the surest roads out of inequality via work and opportunit­y.’

Mr Harris noted that as part of the process to encourage employers to take on apprentice­ships outside of the original €3,000 grant: ‘There will be additional supports if you employ a female, lone parent, person with a disability, someone from direct provision.’

Mr Harris also plans to ‘broaden the range of apprentice­ships’ to include a new healthcare assistant apprentice­ship and apprentice­ships in green skills and farming.

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