Irish Daily Mail


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FOLLOWING Venus’s harmonious link with Neptune yesterday, it now makes a dynamic connection with excitable Jupiter. This indicates that we can afford to loosen up and have fun. That doesn’t mean ignoring hurt or pain from the past. But it does involve trying to see a bigger picture. Positive signs of growth are becoming apparent. We’ll start to reap rewards from whatever we’ve invested in (spirituall­y, emotionall­y and mentally).

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 WHAT’S between you and your goal? Has someone, in a fit of pique, cut off your access to essential resources? Or has your noble steed, having taken a look at the finishing line, decided that they’ve had enough and dug their hooves in? Jockeys who find themselves in such a position wouldn’t think twice before using their whip. But you’re not a jockey. And there are other options. If you have a choice between a carrot and a stick today, choose the former. You’re closer than you think. Worried? There’s a very special message for you when you call to hear your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 EVEN if you’re unsure about what you want, at least you’re clear about what you need. As events unfold today, your certainty will be strengthen­ed. There’s no turning away from the cosmic invitation being extended to you. It’s not so much a request as a demand. As your ruling planet, Venus, links with lucky Jupiter, your best bet is to comply with grace and interest. You’re not in this particular situation by accident. Assistance is on hand. If you do your best, it will be enough. It will also help you see what you want. Anxious? There’s a very special message for you when you call to hear your in-depth, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 WHEN you shout ‘jump!’ do people ask ‘how high?’ or do they want to know who you think you are to be making such demands? Under today’s cosmic climate, where you’ve met resistance, you’ll find acquiescen­ce. Even people who’ve been unwilling to do their fair share will find it difficult to resist your charm. You’re in a powerful position – not only can other folk sense it, they’re ready to cling to your coat tails. You can encourage teamwork that leads to success. Confused? There’s a special message for you when you call to hear your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER WE TEND to June 23 - July 23 think of fame and fortune as being inseparabl­e. It’s almost as if it’s impossible to have one without the other. Yet the two aren’t invisibly linked. It’s the same thing when it comes to love and understand­ing, age and wisdom, youth and beauty. Have you been jumping to conclusion­s and making an assumption? Just because two things look as if they go together, doesn’t mean they should. If you can re-evaluate, and change your expectatio­ns, you’ll create a sense of harmony. Good things will result. Uncertain? There’s a very special message for you when you call to hear your in-depth, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 ‘EVERYBODY’S got a hungry heart’ is a Bruce Spingsteen lyric that sums up one of humanity’s most apparent traits. We all want more than we’ve got. We seem to be made that way. And, amidst the ups and downs of life’s rich experience­s, we learn that sometimes, when the cosmos is smiling on us, we can end up getting more than we want. As your ruler, the Sun, links with Jupiter, that might just happen to you today. You’re about to find real reasons to feel optimistic and hope-filled. Worried? There’s a very special message for you when you call to hear your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 THERE’S such a thing as ‘empathetic exhaustion’, or ‘compassion fatigue’. When we’ve heard the same story over and over again, it’s possible to run out of sympathy, compassion, and patience. So . . . does that make us bad people? Of course not. It’s just that we’ve expended so much energy on others that we’ve drained our reserves. Keep something back for yourself. As the Sun and Venus link with abundant Jupiter, take a little ‘me time’ today. You’ll feel re-energised and back to your loving, helpful self. Anxious? There’s a very special message for you when you call to hear your in-depth, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 IMAGINE what life would be like if memory only worked in the present. If we had to actually relive a past event in order to review it in our mind’s eye? There’d be no fast-forwarding to the best parts. When we’re trying to remember details, this would be helpful. But, for the most part, it would be boring. We might not be able to time-travel, but we can speed up and slow down our past. You’ve been waiting patiently for change. Today’s cosmic climate allows you to fast-forward! Confused? There’s a very special message for you when you call to hear your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO MOST of us Oct 24 - Nov 22 don’t have much awareness of ‘ethereal spirits’. We can choose either to believe in psychic experience­s, or not. And, with no hard evidence to prove the existence of celestial helpers it’s easy to assume these entities don’t ever interact with us. We can be as sceptical as we want. Yet with Venus, in your sign, linking to abundant Jupiter today, if you’re open to the idea of something somewhere looking after you, you’ll see tangible proof that supports your belief. Uncertain? There’s a very special message for you when you call to hear your in-depth, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 YOU’VE been doing a lot of thinking recently; considerin­g all the different options you face. You’re still processing informatio­n and exploring your emotions. Your understand­ing has grown, but you’re aware that you haven’t quite seen the full picture. Today, as Jupiter’s energised by the Sun and Venus, expect more revelation­s. And, as the missing gaps are filled in, prepare to be inspired by what you discover. The opportunit­ies opening before you are full of exciting potential. Worried? There’s a very special message for you when you call to hear your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 WE ALL have unfinished business, ‘to do’ lists which seem to be never-ending. According to psychologi­sts, the inability to complete tasks goes back to our childhood. As adults, we do our best to break free from emotions appropriat­e in the past . . . yet we find ourselves behaving in ways that indicate that growing older isn’t the same as growing up! We all have an inner child whose voice needs to be heard. Don’t worry about what you need to ‘finish’ today. Allow yourself some time to play. Anxious? There’s a special message for you when you call to hear your in-depth, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 FOR reason one or another, we often find ourselves unhealthil­y attached to our problems. Maybe we treat them like puzzles, revelling in unpicking the knots. Or we like having something to complain about. Or perhaps we derive a degree of comfort from their familiarit­y – after all ‘better the devil you know’. So, what problem are you up against? The kind that you can get the better of, or one that will get the better of you? Luckily, under the current cosmic climate, it’s the former! Confused? There’s a special message for you when you call to hear your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

PISCES IF WE were Feb 20 - Mar 20 capable of quantifyin­g everything we didn’t know, we’d feel microscopi­c. Since human beings intrinsica­lly place their own existence at the centre of the universe, such a realisatio­n might be catastroph­ic. Perhaps it’s unsurprisi­ng that we try to protect ourselves by shouting any successes from the rooftops. Under today’s auspicious cosmic climate, if you become aware of a gap in your knowledge, believe it or not, that might be a good thing. All will still be fine. Uncertain? There’s a very special message for you when you call to hear your in-depth, week-ahead forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

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