Irish Daily Mail

Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist


Linda Mooney is a leading angel therapy practition­er with fifteen years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of angel therapy helping people to engage with their angels to find inner peace and healing. Email Linda at or write to Linda Mooney, Irish Daily Mail, Haddington Buildings, Haddington Road, Dublin 4 QUESTION

Dear Linda, Please advise me as to sort out my much-cluttered life. I retired four years ago but even though I am no longer in full time employment, my life seems to keep me running around in circles trying to keep up with commitment­s. I seem to be unable to say no to anyone who feels like imposing on me. Can you help? Many thanks, D.


Dear D, Sounds like a real case of being a do-gooder and people pleaser. You clearly have to learn to say no. While the very thought of this to a person in your situation may fill you with great anxiety, however, learning to say no will free your life of the nonimporta­nt tasks.


‘Love yourself enough to say no to others’ demands on your time and energy. A sincere desire to give of service is wonderful. However, there’s a distinctio­n between giving of yourself and giving up yourself. If you feel tired, guilty, or resentful while helping others, then you’re not truly helping them, are you? You’re injecting poisonous energies into the relationsh­ips, and then no one benefits.

Step back and reassess the situation. As you respect your own boundaries, others will begin to recognise and respect them within you, and within themselves as well. Now that’s a healthy behaviour to teach others!


When you feel resentment in your heart because you’re carrying more than your share of the load, you’re doing no favours for anyone, including yourself. You need to ask for help to ensure that you have private time for contemplat­ion and rest.

The secret to being able to live peacefully in true productivi­ty doesn’t come through struggle and strife.

Rather, it comes from a clear and focused mind that’s unchalleng­ed by indecisive­ness. You see making decisions is the shortest route to triumphant passages.

Once you make up your mind, the rest follows quite naturally. You are urged therefore to sit quietly and follow the footsteps of your mind. Be open to your heart’s meandering­s. They will quietly lead you to make your most important decisions.


The angels say to you ‘Let go of anything inauthenti­c and all activities that do not mirror your highest intentions for yourself’. If something in your life isn’t working, be willing to release it to God and the angels.

Miracles always follow when we surrender troubling conditions. You’ll find that the job, relationsh­ip, health issue, or other circumstan­ce heals rapidly in ways you could never have imagined.

All along the way, the angels will perfectly guide you to actions that will either help you replace the situation with something better, or heal it entirely. Expect a miracle when you decide to ‘be true to you’.

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