Irish Daily Mail

Why I’ve banned an unjabbed friend from my festive party


MY STOMACH lurched when I first heard about Omicron, a new, highly mutated variant of Covid-19 that led, this week, to a fear of more restrictio­ns ahead. So how worried should we be?

Well, after contacting one of the leading experts in the UK, I think that while there is reason to continue being careful, because it’s a worrying variant, the most important thing we can all do is get the booster jab, which offers the reassuranc­e of real protection.

Robin Shattock, a professor of mucosal infection and immunity at Imperial College London, has spent decades working on vaccines against a range of infectious diseases including, most recently, Covid-19.

He told me that, although he thinks Omicron may indeed turn out to be highly infectious, for him the most important question is: what impact will the new strain have on rates of hospitalis­ation and death?

Although the data from South Africa, where it was first detected, suggests Omicron is highly infectious, so far it doesn’t seem to be more deadly than other variants, although we won’t know for sure for several weeks.

THE other big question is whether our current vaccines will continue to protect us. While Omicron is very different from the Alpha variant and the original strain that came out of Wuhan two years ago, Prof. Shattock thinks that being vaccinated will still give our immune systems the edge. As he explains: ‘If your immune system has seen a similar variant, it already has a head-start to make an adapted response to a new one.’

If it turns out Omicron is better at evading our immune system, Prof. Shattock says manufactur­ers will be able to modify their vaccines. As this could take a couple of months, and probably won’t be rolled out much before April, he says: ‘If you need a booster, don’t wait for an updated version of the vaccine. Your best option is to get what’s available now.’

I had my booster last week and the rest of my family are lining up to have theirs as soon as possible. I was pleased that, having previously had two AstraZenec­a jabs, this time I had the Pfizer.

The two vaccines work in slightly different ways, with studies suggesting the AstraZenec­a produces a larger and longer-lasting T-cell response (these are the immune cells that seek out and destroy viruses), while the Pfizer vaccine produces a slightly more powerful antibody response (antibodies are proteins that attach to the virus to tag it for destructio­n).

This means that the Pfizer vaccine is probably better at protecting you against getting infected, while the AstraZenec­a ‘may provide longer-term protection against hospitalis­ation and death’, says Eleanor Riley, a professor of immunology and infectious disease at the University of Edinburgh.

She and other experts have also suggested that, because the vaccines mobilise T-cells, which are less ‘susceptibl­e’ than antibodies to simple virus mutations, the jabs should continue to protect against severe infection.

Certainly Prof. Shattock agrees that having a mix seems to be the best option, though the good news is that when it comes to protecting you against ending up in hospital, both the AstraZenec­a and Pfizer jabs have so far proved to be amazingly effective. Long may that continue.

Apart from getting a booster, what else can you do to ensure a merry, Covid-free Christmas? One thing that is clear, which wasn’t obvious at the start of the pandemic, is that this is almost entirely an airborne disease, so washing your hands or surfaces isn’t going to make a lot of difference.

What we now know is that you’re most likely to get infected in a confined, poorly ventilated space, surrounded by lots of people, none of whom is wearing a mask and many of whom are talking animatedly.

This may mean cutting back on socialisin­g in the run-up to Christmas, particular­ly with people who are not vaccinated.

I recently had to tell a friend, who has chosen not to get vaccinated, that he is no longer welcome to a small social gathering I’ve organised next week.

AS I explained, that’s because recent studies suggest an unvaccinat­ed person is up to 20 times more likely to infect you than someone who is vaccinated – and none of the rest of the people who have been invited to my party wants to risk getting infected and passing it on to more vulnerable, elderly relatives. It was a tricky conversati­on.

As for wearing masks, a recent review of the research by scientists at the University of Oxford concluded that wearing a simple mask will halve the number of viral particles you breathe out, which means you’re significan­tly less likely to infect others (a visor, however, has almost no effect).

What this means in real terms was highlighte­d by a study by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, which compared schools where masks are compulsory to those where they’re not. Researcher­s found mask-wearing schools were threeand-a-half times less likely to have Covid-19 outbreaks.

The bottom line: this new variant shows that the Covid-19 virus is not done with us yet, and many of us could face another lockdown.

So be careful.

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