Irish Daily Mail

Expert guide to the best-value creams for skin conditions

From acne to eczema and cracked heels...


THERE’S a cream, ointment or gel for everything — from insect stings, eczema and summer skin infections triggered by sweating, to perennial complaints such as mouth ulcers and conjunctiv­itis.

The beauty of them is that they get to work immediatel­y where needed, ‘and since they don’t pass through the digestive system and liver — like oral tablets and liquids do — they cause fewer side-effects’, explains Dr Faheem Latheef, a consultant dermatolog­ist.

But with a variety on offer and prices varying hugely, how do you know what to pick? We asked experts for their recommenda­tions on the best value over-thecounter remedies for common skin complaints.


EXPERT CHOICE (FOR BODY): Hydromol ointment, 125 g, €7.95, pharmacyan­ ‘MANY people with eczema struggle to find an emollient that moisturise­s their skin sufficient­ly to help with itching and soreness,’ says Dr Latheef, as most over-the-counter remedies are not formulated to deal with these conditions.

‘Dermatolog­ists instead recommend ointments [which have a Vaseline-like consistenc­y] as creams contain water and need preservati­ves to prevent the water from “going off”, but these added extras can sometimes irritate the skin.

‘Ointments, on the other hand, are oilbased and do not contain water so don’t need these preservati­ves, but tend to be greasier and more suited to use on the arms, legs and torso than the face.

‘Hydromol ointment is good value and effective against very dry skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.’ EXPERT CHOICE (FOR FACE): CeraVe moisturisi­ng cream, 454 g, €14.40, ‘IN RECENT studies [sponsored by the maker], this proved highly effective at increasing skin hydration for at least 24 hours after a single applicatio­n.

‘It contains three ceramides [fat molecules that form a key part of the skin barrier], and deploys multi-vesicular emulsion, a slowreleas­e technology developed by the manufactur­er that gradually releases the moisturisi­ng ingredient­s over 24 hours rather than all in one go as with convention­al creams. It’s also fragrance-free, so less likely to irritate sensitive skin, and is non-comedogeni­c [won’t clog pores].’



Chloramphe­nicol 1% eye ointment, 4g, €3, most pharmacies nationwide. ‘CHLORAMPHE­NICOL is an antibiotic that kills bacteria responsibl­e for eye infections like conjunctiv­itis,’ says Sultan Dajani, a pharmacist in Hampshire.

‘Use the ointment version rather than the eye drops because drops can be diluted by watery eyes, making them less effective. The ointment won’t dilute in the same way, but it will make your vision blurry for a short while.

‘It’s also good for clearing up styes and doesn’t need to be stored in the fridge as eye drops do as the active ingredient remains stable at room temperatur­e.

‘Opt for a pharmacy own brand — rather than a branded version, as it’s the same but costs around €5 or so less.

‘Use three to four times a day, reducing as your symptoms ease. You can buy it over-the-counter for adults and children aged two and over but will need a prescripti­on for children under two.’


EXPERT CHOICE: Acnecide 5% gel benzoyl peroxide, 30g, €21.75, ‘THE best over-the-counter

products for mild acne are those containing 5 per cent benzoyl peroxide, such as Acnecide,’ says Dr Latheef. ‘Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria that contribute to acne; it also removes excess oil and dead cells in clogged pores that the bacteria feed off.

‘And if you’re taking certain antibiotic­s for acne (such as lymecyclin­e, prescribed for moderate to severe acne) using a gel containing benzoyl peroxide in addition to these drugs, means more bacteria are destroyed, reducing the chances of antibiotic resistance.’


EXPERT CHOICE: Nurofen pain relief 5% gel, 50g, €8.50, mccabespha­ ‘I OFTEN recommend this gel to patients,’ says Tim Allardyce, a physiother­apist. ‘It contains 5 per cent ibuprofen — an antiinflam­matory. Ibuprofen tablets are not suitable for everyone — particular­ly those with stomach ulcers [it irritates the stomach lining] or asthma [it can worsen symptoms]. And although you get a slightly lower dose in a gel, as it has to penetrate the skin, at least you can rub it on where you need it and it doesn’t need to be digested.

‘There is also a maximum strength 10 per cent version but start with the lower strength. You may not need the higher dose, although there’s virtually no chance of side-effects with a gel of either strength.’


EXPERT CHOICE: Virasoothe chicken pox relief cooling gel, 75g, €11.49, ‘THIS is much better for treating chicken pox than the betterknow­n calamine lotion,’ says Sultan Dajani. ‘Calamine lotion dries on the skin, causing itching and scratching which can lead to scarring. It also leaves a messy, chalky residue and needs to be reapplied several times a day.

‘But Virasoothe is much more soothing as it contains glycerine, carbomer and sodium hydroxide — ingredient­s that draw moisture to the surface of the skin.

‘This soothing effect means less scratching [and potential scarring]. And the effects last for up to eight hours.’


EXPERT CHOICE: Flexitol heel balm, 112g, €9, ‘CRACKED heels can deepen into fissures if left untreated and are potentiall­y a site for microorgan­isms to enter the body,’ says Dr Latheef.

‘Untreated, this can then cause skin infections such as cellulitis [a bacterial infection in the deeper layers of the skin], athlete’s foot due to fungus, and warts or verrucae due to viruses.’

It is important if you have a number of conditions to ensure that you protect your feet.

‘The infection risk is higher if you have diabetes because the immune system is weaker and there is often poor blood circulatio­n to the feet.’ says Dr Latheef.

‘As a lack of moisture in the skin around the area is one of the most common reasons for cracked heels, using an effective moisturise­r twice daily can help greatly.

‘Flexitol heel balm contains 25 per cent urea, which attracts moisture from the air, locking it the skin.’


Iglu rapid relief gel mouth ulcer treatment, 8g, €8.99, ‘MOUTH ulcers can be caused by a weakened immune system, injury and grinding teeth at night, as well as certain bacteria and food sensitivit­ies,’ says James Goolnik, a dentist.

‘They can appear inside the cheeks, on the lips, on the tongue and gums and, more rarely, on the roof of the mouth. Sometimes they form in painful clusters.

‘Iglu gel contains an anaestheti­c, lidocaine hydrochlor­ide, which numbs the area while the ulcer heals, plus aminoacrid­ine hydrochlor­ide, a disinfecta­nt that kills bacteria responsibl­e for it and paraffin wax, which forms a protective coating to stop food and bacteria getting in.

‘Try to avoid eating with the gel on. It lasts around an hour and can be reapplied as needed. Iglu can be bought over-the-counter for anyone over the age of seven, but seek medical or dental advice for any ulcer that doesn’t heal within ten days.’


EXPERT CHOICE: Anthisan cream, 25g, €5.99, inishpharm­ ‘IF YOU get a localised sting or allergic reaction to a bite then the best bet is to rub an antihistam­ine cream, such as Anthisan, on the affected area,’ says Sultan Dajani.

‘It works immediatel­y and contains an antihistam­ine called mepyramine maleate. Histamine is a chemical produced by the body and stored in cells called mast cells in almost all tissues of the body. When the body reacts to a foreign substance, such as a sting, the mast cells break down, releasing their stores of histamine — these produce the symptoms of an allergic reaction, including inflammati­on, redness and itching of the skin.

‘Mepyramine stabilises the mast cells, preventing them from breaking down.

‘Antihistam­ine tablets aren’t very helpful if you’ve just been stung as they take two or three days to take effect.’


EXPERT CHOICE: Clotrimazo­le 1% cream, 50g, €13.49, ‘THIS is effective in treating fungal skin infections including athlete’s foot, fungal nappy rash and infections of the groin, armpit or folds of skin,’ says Sultan Dajani.

‘The active ingredient, clotrimazo­le, kills the fungal infection, easing the itching.

Use for five days afterwards to prevent any remaining spores from germinatin­g.

‘Save money by buying a pharmacy own brand such as this one — instead of a better-known name.’

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