Irish Daily Mail


Psychic agony aunt and angel therapist


Linda Mooney is a leading angel therapy practition­er with fifteen years’ experience, trained and certified by Doreen Virtue an internatio­nal expert in this field. Linda specialise­s in the healing aspect of angel therapy helping people to engage with their angels to find inner peace and healing. Email Linda at or write to Linda Mooney, Irish Daily Mail, Two, Haddington Buildings, Haddington House, Dublin 4.


Dear Linda, I seem to spend so much of my life attending to the needs of everyone around me that I feel my life has no direction. If it’s not family members seeking help and advice, it’s so-called friends. I have for so many years put my own needs and wants on the back burner that I have absolutely no idea what I want or need for myself in order to lead a harmonious and peaceful life. I am quite a spiritual person and I also feel other people’s emotions to a great degree, which I feel can sometimes be a great curse.

What advice can you offer please to try to get my own life on track? Yours in gratitude, G.


Dear G. We are each given the gift of a life to live, that has purpose and meaning. It is perfectly okay for you to think about and identify what you require in your own life without anyone else’s approval, guilt or apology. It is important to recognise that there is no gain in being a martyr or a rescurer. Understand­ing that you need to take responsibi­lity for setting your own course and giving your own life direction and pace by setting goals. Goals can help achieve a managable life that is directed in the course we choose for ourselves. Setting goals annually, monthly, or daily is an important task in living a purposful life for ourselves.


You drew this card because a recent event has been a wake-up call for you to make some life changes. This may be a new revelation or something you’ve been procrastin­ating about. Now you’ve realised that this situation can’t be ignored and action is necessary. This is a moment both of freedom and awakening.

The way you see yourself and the world had forever changed, bringing you growth and encouragin­g you to spread your wings. Allow these new insights to motivate you to embrace the path of your heart’s true desires and intution.


This is an abundant universe, fillled with more than enough for everyone. Yet, the energy format of this planet is about polarities. In this instance, it’s about giving and receiving. the key is to balance the two. If you only give, you’ll feel drained, resentful, and experience lack. If you only receive, you won’t enjoy what you have.

Balance comes from fearlessly giving as you’re guided, and then receiving with joy and gratitude. It’s exactly like breathing. Both the inhale and the exhale are identicall­y important.

Practice giving and receiving daily, and you’ll never want for anything.


‘Be honest with yourself: What is your heart’d true desire?’ If you listen to the sound of your heart and breath, you’ll recognize the ancient rhythms of your own internal drummIng.

This forever connects you to the Mother of all creation, and to the sound of planet Earth. These rhythms can’t be faked or forged; they’re natural and eternal.

What part of you are you trying to ignore? What part of you have been overly concerned with pleasing others, to the detriment of hearing the sounds of your own rhythm?

Dear child, reach out and extend your arms to embrace your dreams. They are just as much a part of nature as are the trees, animals, and sunsets. Listen to your dreams. They’ll activate the powerful eruption of passion in your life. Don’t be afraid of your own passion, for it will propel you naturally and will excite and invigorate you. When you dance to the rhythms of your life, you’re truly alive in every way!

▪ To have Linda answer your question, please send your date of birth. The more specific the question, the more specific the answer. Readers’ dates of birth will not be published. Linda regrets she cannot enter into personal correspond­ence but she intends to answer all letters.

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