Irish Daily Mail

Trial of Bloody Sunday soldier adjourned due to court mix-up

- By David Young

THE resumption of a former British

soldier’s prosecutio­n for two murders on Bloody Sunday has been adjourned for 24 hours after a mix-up over the court in which it was due to be heard.

While prosecutio­n and defence lawyers in the case of ‘Soldier F’ were directed to attend court in Belfast yesterday morning, the judge presiding over the case was sent to Derry.

Last week, the North’s Public Prosecutio­n Service (PPS) announced it was recommenci­ng proceeding­s against the former paratroope­r on two counts of murder and five counts of attempted murder.

‘Soldier F’ is accused of the murders of James Wray and William McKinney on the day in January 1972 when members of the Parachute Regiment shot dead 13 unarmed civil-rights protesters on the streets of Derry.

The PPS previously called a halt to the prosecutio­n citing concerns that the case could collapse if it went to trial.

However, this year the Divisional Court of the High Court in Belfast overruled that decision after it was challenged by the family of one of the victims.

And earlier this month, the court rejected the PPS’s bid to have an appeal referred to the UK Supreme Court.

After reviewing its position, the PPS decided to resume the prosecutio­n.

That move had been expected formally to take place at a mention hearing before District Judge Peter Magill yesterday morning but he had attended court in Derry, while lawyers involved in the case were in court in Belfast.

One lawyer explained the scheduling error to District Judge Alana McSorley, sitting in Belfast Magistrate­s’ Court.

‘District Judge Magill of course has had conduct of the case, but essentiall­y he has been sent to [Derry] this morning and we are here. In those circumstan­ces, rather than trouble your worship with any substantiv­e matter, we understand the proposal of the court is the matter be listed before District Judge Magill [today] in court nine in this building.’

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