Irish Daily Mail

New film about Troubles is one ‘the Tories don’t want you to see’

- By Cate McCurry

POLITICIAN­S from a range of parties are to attend a screening in Leinster House of a film about killings during the Troubles.

The Victims’ Stories features eight people who have lost family members in atrocities in the North, including the Omagh bomb, the Ballymurph­y massacre in Belfast and Derry’s Bloody Sunday.

TDs and Senators will gather in Leinster House today to watch the victims tell their stories in response to proposed legislatio­n to deal with Northern Ireland’s troubled past.

The Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconcilia­tion) Bill offers an effective amnesty for Troubles crimes for those who co-operate with an informatio­n body.

This will be the first official showing of the unique film, which was made by Mobile Media and The Truth and Justice Movement.

Tomorrow, the first public screening will be held at Queen’s University Belfast.

Prominent victims campaigner Raymond McCord said: ‘It is a film full of emotion, truth, cover-ups, and collusion, and the corruption, deceit and lies of the British government and its agencies, trying to hide their own involvemen­t in the murders of innocent men, women and children.

‘This is the film the British government won’t want the public to see.

‘No investigat­ions, prosecutio­ns, inquests, civil actions and amnesties for the murderers is how the British government say will help victims “move on”.

‘Without discussion­s with victims, the British government intends to hide the truth by abolishing all aspects of the legal process.

‘A government determined to immorally control who faces the justice system and the courts.

‘The message this film brings is simple: exposure and cover-ups, and truth and justice for victims with no amnesty for murderers.

‘Victims do not have a political or sectarian agenda in their pursuit of truth and justice.

‘The murders of 3,600 men, women and children during the Troubles clearly mean nothing to a Conservati­ve British government so afraid of the truth.

‘This film will show that and why.’

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