Irish Daily Mail

Pamela is telling her side of the story ...but she won’t watch a second of it

- By Alison Boshoff

FORMER Baywatch star Pamela Anderson is taking the chance to tell her own personal story – but she says she won’t watch a second of a documentar­y about her life despite contributi­ng to it.

The programme, titled Pamela, A Love Story, comes out on Netflix at the end of January – coinciding with the release of her memoir: Love, Pamela.

But the actress, 55, says she’s going to skip the documentar­y, even though she’s interviewe­d for it at length and has handed over hundreds of photos and home movies.

‘The documentar­y I haven’t seen – and have no intention of seeing,’ she said. ‘I gave full access to my archives and diaries, and hope that it makes sense to somebody.’

Ms Anderson was deeply hurt by the depiction of how her and then husband Tommy Lee became a global sensation in the drama Pam & Tommy, starring Lily James. Her reactions to that show, plus the breakdown of her marriage to Canadian builder Dan Hayhurst, feature heavily in the documentar­y.

She and Mr Hayhurst got to know each other when he was hired to work on her house on Vancouver Island during the pandemic. They were married on Christmas Eve 2020 but split up a year later.

The union followed her whirlwind wedding to producer Jon Peters. They parted ways 12 days after getting married in Malibu.

The documentar­y has been directed by Ryan White, who said: ‘Pamela wears her heart on her sleeve – not just in relationsh­ips but in all things in her life.’

He added: ‘All of her husbands are a part of her story, so they’re in our film, including the most recent one.’

 ?? ?? Back in time: A young Pamela Anderson in the documentar­y
Back in time: A young Pamela Anderson in the documentar­y

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