Irish Daily Mail

Pope: Equal pay would make the world more peaceful

- By Gavin Jones

POPE FRANCIS, who has now marked 10 years as Pontiff, has decried violence and prejudice against women and said granting equal pay and opportunit­ies could help create a more peaceful and sustainabl­e world.

In a book preface published by the Vatican News website on Internatio­nal Women’s Day, Francis stressed the difference­s between men and women but called for ‘equality in diversity’ on ‘a playing field open to all players’.

‘I like to think that if women could enjoy full equality of opportunit­y, they could contribute substantia­lly to the necessary change towards a world of peace, inclusion, solidarity and integral sustainabi­lity,’ the Pope said.

He also referred briefly to Women’s Day at the end of his weekly audience in St Peter’s Square Fighting injustice: Pope Francis yesterday, asking the crowd for ‘an applause for all women, because they deserve it.’ Francis has condemned discrimina­tion against women in the past but, like his predecesso­rs, he has ruled out a female clergy. The Catholic Church teaches that only men can become priests because Jesus chose men as apostles. ‘Women’s thinking is different from men’s,’ the Pope wrote in the preface to a book entitled: More Women’s Leadership for a Better World.

‘They are more attentive to protecting the environmen­t, their gaze is not turned to the past but to the future,’ he said.

‘Women know that they give birth in pain to achieve a great joy: to give life and open vast, new horizons. That is why women want peace, always.’

He said women need to get equal remunerati­on with men for equal roles and described ongoing pay gaps as ‘a serious injustice.’

The Pope also condemned the ‘plague’ of violence against women.

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