Irish Daily Mail

Focus on pulling pints ... not pulling a fast one!

- By Helen Bruce

PUBLICANS have been reminded they must clearly display the cost of their drinks – or pay the price.

It follows price recent hikes for Guinness and Heineken, which brewers blame on increases in costs.

The Competitio­n and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has warned that if publicans don’t follow the rules, allowing patrons to compare prices and make informed decisions, they will be fined up to €3,000.

Inspection­s last year resulted in fines being issued to 13 licensed premises in Dublin and Kildare.

By law, all licensed premises must post an up-to-date list of drink prices at the door, and full price lists indoors everywhere drinks are sold.

A letter sent from the CCPC this week to the Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (VFI) and the Licensed Vintners Associatio­n (LVA) points out price lists are even more important now ‘in light of rising prices’.

Kevin O’Brien, a CCPC member, said: ‘Businesses are free to set their prices but they must be honest and transparen­t with consumers about those prices. Displaying a price list at the door is the bare minimum, and it’s required by law.’

The CCPC also reminded publicans that under consumer law, businesses that mislead consumers can be subject to penalties including fines and prosecutio­n.

Heineken recently announced it is raising the price of a pint by 6c – but that rise will be closer to 20c at the bar. Extra VAT, excise and the publican’s margin are likely to bring the average price now to around €6.25.

A Heineken Ireland spokesman said: ‘Due to continued increases in underlying costs we need to adjust our pricing on our draught products. A list price increase of 3% – 6c per pint – will apply to our draught product range and will come into effect on June 4. Despite our ongoing efforts to increase productivi­ty and reduce costs, it is impossible for us to absorb increased costs that we have been faced with, and therefore need to adjust our pricing.’

Diageo earlier raised its prices by 6c a pint for Guinness, Rockshore, Hophouse 13 and Carlsberg. And C&C will raise the price of pints of Bulmers and Tennent’s at the end of the month. The average price of a pint of lager before this increase was €6.07, up 15c from a year ago, while stout was up 17c to €5.65.

‘Businesses must be transparen­t’

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