Irish Daily Mail

This has been a huge change for me

Unislim has given Katie Weir a healthier life


IUSED to feel very unfit, I’d walk up the stairs and would get winded. If I ran for a bus, when I got on, I was panting. I just felt very uncomforta­ble in my body and struggled to find clothes that would look good on me. I’d been trying for a while to make changes but nothing worked. Then I spotted an ad for a Unislim class that was up the road from where I lived so I decided to give it a try and joined on October 8, 2022.

The Unislim plan immediatel­y clicked with me. My leader, Lisa Rowe, had lost 9st herself so I found it easy to relate to her. Everything she said made sense to me. I had a similar experience to hers. The plan was so simple to follow. I never felt hungry or that I was missing out on anything. I could have a treat during the week so it was easy to stick with it. It’s the most realistic plan I’ve ever been on, and it’s just second nature to me now. Even when I’m away on holiday and maybe not following the plan so closely, I look forward to getting home and back on the plan. It’s just become a habit for me now and has given me a structure to live by.

‘You can fit the plan around your life and work easily’

I work 9am to 5pm in an office and the plan has been so easy to incorporat­e into my schedule. I prepare lunches and snacks to bring to work. It’s adaptable and not complicate­d or awkward. You have your choice of carbs at every meal. If I have a particular­ly busy day, my snacks stop me from getting hungry. The flexibilit­y of the plan is great for all of that. You can fit it around your life and work so easily.

Even if you’re away and staying in a hotel, I know now there are healthier choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner which keeps me on track. When I’m out and about, I can use the ‘ready meal rule’ to decide what sandwich would be best to choose. It’s a plan that can work for anyone. I used to be a bit fussy when it came to food. I never drank tea or coffee before and I love my tea and coffee now, and tomatoes and cucumbers and things like that. I’m much more open to trying new foods.

I’m so much more confident now. I used to buy clothes just because they fit, whereas now I can walk into a shop and have the confidence to pick out the clothes I want to wear and know they will fit me and I’ll feel confident wearing them. I no longer feel the need to cover myself up or hide behind my clothes, wearing baggy jumpers. I feel healthier and have so much more energy, too. I don’t get winded like I did before. I’m enjoying my walks a lot more, and feeling more active and more my age. It’s been a huge change for me.

My advice to anyone thinking about joining Unislim or just beginning their journey would be to just jump in and give it a go. You don’t know until you try something how it will work out for you. I’ve tried to lose weight before and failed many times but it’s just about the one time that it clicks, and if you have a great leader like Lisa, it makes all the difference. Also, having a great group of people in your class and people you can reach out to helps so much because everyone’s in the same boat.

I’m nearly at my goal weight – I have another half a stone to go. I’m working on my master’s degree and have my graduation this year. It’s nice to have an occasion to look forward to, knowing I can find a dress I want to wear and get all dolled up.

 ?? ?? Stylish: Katie wears a shirt and shoes from Penneys , jeans Salsa from Avoca and belt from H&M NOW 10st
Stylish: Katie wears a shirt and shoes from Penneys , jeans Salsa from Avoca and belt from H&M NOW 10st
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