Irish Daily Mirror

Is a war between China and America inevitable? BY

As trump and the us continue to provoke Beijing...


DURING his US presidenti­al election campaign, Donald Trump threatened China.

He accused the world’s second biggest economic power of “raping” the American economy and “stealing” American jobs.

He said: “It’s time America had a victory again.”

What kind of “victory”? Trump did not say. And China is armed with nuclear weapons.

In the past week, the Presidente­lect has gone further. He has accused Beijing of devaluing its currency to gain an unfair advantage in trade with the US and “building a massive military complex in the South China Sea”.

More seriously, he has spoken directly with the President of Taiwan, which China regards as a renegade province of the Chinese mainland. Since the Cold War, Taiwan has been a flashpoint of war between Beijing and Washington.


Trump’s rhetoric accelerate­s a propaganda campaign by the Obama administra­tion to cast China as a threat to “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea. But who is really the threat?

In 2011, Obama announced that almost two-thirds of US naval forces would be transferre­d to Asia and the Pacific. This represente­d the greatest build-up of American military forces since the Second World War. The target was China.

In the meantime, the US has encircled China with 400 military bases armed with bombers, warships and missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons. These bases extend all the way from Australia to the Pacific islands, through Asia to Korea and Japan and across Eurasia to Afghanista­n. The island of Okinawa is an “aircraft carrier” of US military bases, their bombers aimed at China less than 500 miles away.

Last year, in high secrecy, the US staged its biggest single military exercise since the Cold War. This was Talisman Sabre – an armada of ships and long-range bombers rehearsed an “Air-sea Battle Concept for China”, blocking sea lanes in the Straits of Malacca and cutting off China’s access to oil, gas and other raw materials from the Middle East and Africa. It is such a provocatio­n, and the fear of a massive US Navy blockade, that has seen China feverishly building strategic airstrips on reefs in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, the chokepoint through which its lifelines run.

The current Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, says US policy is to confront those “who see America’s dominance and want to take that away from us”. Like the renewal of post-soviet Russia, the rise of China as an economic power has been declared an “existentia­l threat” to the divine right of the United States to rule and dominate human affairs. The top dog is feeling insecure and reaching, as it often does, for its missiles to rattle.

In matters of war, Trump is not a phenomenon. Under Obama, nuclear warhead spending rose higher than under any US President since the end of the Cold War. A mini nuclear weapon is planned. Known as the B61 Model 12, going smaller will mean, says General James Cartwright, former vicedisput­ed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that its use is “more thinkable”.

A study by think-tank the RAND Corporatio­n – which, since Vietnam, has planned America’s wars – is entitled, War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkabl­e. Commission­ed by the US Army, the authors evoke the Cold War when RAND made notorious the catch cry of its chief strategist, Herman Kahn – “thinking the unthinkabl­e”.

According to Amitai Etzioni, professor of internatio­nal affairs at George Washington University, “the US is preparing for a war with China, a momentous decision that so far has failed to receive a thorough review from elected officials, namely the White House and Congress.” This would begin with a “blinding attack against Chinese anti-access facilities, including land and sea-based missile launchers… satellite and anti-satellite weapons”.

The risk is that “deep inland strikes could be mistakenly perceived by the Chinese as preemptive attempts to take out its nuclear weapons, cornering them into ‘a use-it-or-lose-it dilemma’ [that would] lead to nuclear war.”


In China, a strategist told me: “We are not your enemy, but if you decide we are, we must prepare without delay.” China’s military spending has risen to €142billion – small compared with America’s €590billion. However, “for the first time,” wrote Gregory Kulacki of non-profit organisati­on the Union of Concerned Scientists: “China is discussing putting its nuclear missiles on high alert so that they can be launched quickly on warning of an attack .”

Professor Ted Postol was scientific adviser to the head of US naval operations. An authority on nuclear weapons, he told me: “Everybody here wants to look like they’re tough. See I got to be tough… I’m not afraid of doing anything military, I’m a hairy-chested gorilla. And the United States has gotten into a situation where there’s a lot of sabre-rattling.”

I said: “This seems incredibly dangerous.” He replied: “That is an understate­ment.”

I interviewe­d Congressma­n Dana Rohrabache­r, a frontrunne­r to be Trump’s secretary of state. A contradict­ory figure, he wants to make peace with Russia, yet describes the Chinese as “gangsters”.

What about the risk of nuclear war? I asked, at which he continued with his “gangsters” speech. He concluded by reaching for his guitar and singing God Bless America.

John Pilger’s documentar­y, The Coming War on China, is on UTV tonight at 10.40pm.

 ??  ?? THREATS US President-elect Trump TWITTER BOMB trump’s tweet that has riled china POWER Chinese President Xi Jinping
THREATS US President-elect Trump TWITTER BOMB trump’s tweet that has riled china POWER Chinese President Xi Jinping
 ??  ?? Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen spoke with Trump
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen spoke with Trump
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