Irish Daily Mirror

Mum doesn’t know I left because of vile stepdad


Dear Coleen

For a while I have been having really hateful feelings about my stepdad. He never takes any interest in me. When we’re in the same room we don’t talk. I try to strike up conversati­ons with him, but he just ignores me. I’m living with my uncle at the moment, as I just can’t be in the same place as my stepdad. As I’m older, my mum assumes I moved out just because I want more space and independen­ce. My stepdad also has anger issues and I can’t say what I think about anything because he just tells me I’m wrong. I brought over my gay best friend one time and he told him to get out of the house as he didn’t want “that scum” in the same house as him, and then he told me to leave, too. It’s getting to the point now where I just want him out of my life for good, but it won’t happen because he and my mum have a son together. I haven’t told anyone how I feel. Should I tell my mum or just leave it?

Coleen says

I feel for you – your stepdad sounds like a very unpleasant, intolerant man. I guess you could look at it two ways. You’re out of the house now and living with your uncle, so you don’t have to see him. You can arrange to see your mum when he’s not there or meet her away from the house for coffee or lunch. That will only become tricky if your mum suggests having a family day or keeps inviting you over for Sunday lunch. It’ll be hard to keep coming up with excuses. As you say, she probably assumes there’s no issue and you’re happy you moved out. Most of the time, honesty is the best policy. And remember, if you do confide in your mum, it doesn’t have to turn into a row. Simply explain calmly that you don’t want to spend time with him for all the reasons you’ve told me, but say you appreciate she’s married to him and they have a child together. Explain that you want to see her whenever you can, but you’d rather not see him. But don’t do it in a way that your mum feels you’re making her choose. Good luck.

 ??  ?? He told my gay best friend to get out of house
He told my gay best friend to get out of house

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