Irish Daily Mirror

Prison break


LOCKED UP C4, 10pm

THIS Spanish thriller about women in a high security prison – a bit like Orange Is The New Black – returns for a second tense series. And everything has gone a bit Shawshank Redemption after Zulema’s latest zany escape plot actually succeeded. “They have escaped through a tunnel like the movies,” blasts formidable detective Castillo. Macarena (Maggie Civantos) is in total shock as she’s now outside the prison walls. But she’s a fugitive, and on the run with four other wanted criminals. Not ideal for someone who protests her innocence. There’s a quick scramble to ditch their yellow jumpsuits and find a getaway car. But prepare for a dramatic and violent death in the first five minutes. Then with the cops hot on their heels, Macarena feels more trapped than ever. And psychopath Zulema (Najwa Nimri) won’t let her or the others out of her sight. “Behave or I’ll sprinkle you with gasoline and set you on fire,” she tells them. Macarena does her level best to try to save herself. She boldly follows Zulema into a petrol station, nicks someone’s mobile phone and hides in the toilets to phone her dad. But there’s a tense scene as the phone rings and rings, with Zulema stalking her way towards the cubicle. Why do people in dramas never answer their mobiles when it’s a matter of life or death? Meanwhile, back in Cruz del Sur, Miranda (Cristina Plazas) is having a tough time because the directors are far from happy with her management of the prison – not surprising­ly. And Macarena’s brother Roman (Daniel Ortiz), unable to stand the pressure, makes an earth-shattering confession to his mother. This series is so action packed, you won’t even notice the subtitles.

 ??  ?? FEELING TRAPPED Macarena

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