Irish Daily Mirror

No politician gets treated as bad as me

Trump moans as scandal grows to ‘Watergate size’


donald Trump has lashed out at coverage of his leadership, claiming that “no politician in history… has been treated worse or more unfairly”. His remarks yesterday came as a leading Republican said scandals in the US President’s administra­tion were reaching “Watergate size”. And pressure mounted on Trump as top senator Mark Warner said he wanted to “hear from” axed FBI director James Comey over claims that the President asked him to drop his inquiry into ex-aide Michael Flynn’s Russian links. The FBI have also been asked to hand over Mr Comey’s memo of the meeting to Mr Warner’s Senate Intelligen­ce Committee. As Trump moaned, John Mccain likened the crisis around him to the one that brought down former President Richard Nixon. The senator said: “It’s reaching the point where it’s of Watergate size and scale.” In 1973 Nixon said he had never seen such “distorted” and “hysterical” reporting, which was shaking faith in the American system, adding: “I’m not a crook.” Mr Mccain spoke as calls were made for Trump to be impeached after it emerged he gave highly classified informatio­n to Russia’s Foreign Minister last week. Russia’s Vladimir Putin denied it yesterday, joking: “I spoke to [Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov] today. I’ll be forced to issue him with a reprimand because he did not share these secrets with us.” Democrats continued to slam the President’s meeting, displaying a photo of him greeting Mr Lavrov. There were laughs as a woman behind the frame made Trump appear to be in skirt and heels. Meanwhile the US stock market took its biggest dive since Trump’s election. The Dow Jones industrial average lost 368 points to 20,611.

I’ve never seen such distorted reporting... I am not a crook RICHARD NIXON BEFORE Being forced TO resign

 ??  ?? HEEL RIFT Snap of Trump with Mr Lavrov
HEEL RIFT Snap of Trump with Mr Lavrov
 ??  ?? WARNING John Mccain fears scale of crisis
WARNING John Mccain fears scale of crisis
 ??  ?? WHINGE Trump yesterday
WHINGE Trump yesterday

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