Irish Daily Mirror

Murder accused wanted to be alone 24/7 with victim

Olivia’s sister tells trial he wanted her all to himself

- BY RUAIDHRI GIBLIN news@irishmirro­

A MAN who denies murdering his girlfriend was “suffocatin­g” towards her, his trial has heard.

Ann Power told the Central Criminal Court yesterday the accused wanted her sister Olivia Dunlea “all to himself ”. Darren Murphy, 40, has pleaded not guilty to the murder of Ms Dunlea at Passage West in Co Cork on February 17, 2013. He has admitted killing the 36-yearold mum of three but the DPP has not accepted a guilty plea of manslaught­er. During her evidence, Ms Power said she felt Murphy wanted to be with her sister “24 hours a day”. She added Ms Dunlea had a lot of time for the accused. Around 2am on the date in question, Ms Power got up to look after her baby and noticed a missed call from her sister. She said: “I tried to ring her back but the phone was off. I was concerned because it wouldn’t be like Olivia to ring in the middle of the night.” Ms Power called Murphy who told her he and Ms Dunlea had had a fight and the house was on fire. At the scene, Ms Power told him she wanted to know where her sister was and what happened to her. She added Murphy shouted at her and told her to “f*** off ”. The court heard Murphy and Ms Dunlea went to the Rochestown Inn pub in Cork earlier on the night she died. Taxi driver Michael Ahern said it was around midnight when Murphy asked him could he take the couple home. Mr Ahern added inside the cab Ms Dunlea was in a happy mood, laughing and joking, while Mr Murphy “seemed upset, like he was boiling up inside”. Garda John Forde told Mr Justice Patrick Mccarthy the body of Ms Dunlea was lying face down in the double bed of an upstairs room of her house at Pembroke Crescent. He said there had been two separate fires – one in the bedroom and one on the kitchen table – and there was no link between the two. The trial of Murphy, of Dan Desmond Villas, Passage West, Co Cork, continues.

 ??  ?? TRAGIC Mother of three Olivia Dunlea
TRAGIC Mother of three Olivia Dunlea
 ??  ?? CORDON Scene in Passage West, Co Cork
CORDON Scene in Passage West, Co Cork

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