Irish Daily Mirror

Daughter, eight, is being teased about her weight


Dear Coleen

I’m really worried about my daughter’s weight. She will be nine in September and is extremely tall for her age. I have taken her to see the doctor and been told she started puberty very early, at the age of seven. She’s always had a good appetite and I’ve been careful about what she eats. I allow her treats, but she doesn’t go mad with the likes of chocolate, sweets and crisps. She never has sugary soft drinks and prefers to have water. Recently, she has become unhappy with her weight and what she calls her “fat belly”, and says the other children are calling her names at school. She does have a belly and now wears clothes aged 11-12 years in accordance with her weight and height. She often complains of tummy aches and has an upset stomach a lot. When she was younger she had a food intoleranc­e. Can you recommend anything I can do to help her? She plays a little sport in and out of school, and we go for walks. Maybe I need to encourage her to become more active. I really don’t feel she overeats and feel so sad for her. I just want to help her feel happy in herself.

Coleen says

It sounds as if she’s growing up a lot faster than her peers and, sadly, anything that makes kids stand out at school gets noticed. If she were tall and skinny or really petite, I’m sure some of her classmates would also find something to say. As a parent, it’s really important to keep enforcing the message that our bodies are all different and we grow at different times. Explain that as we get older, our bodies start to change and she’s simply seeing these changes first – her friends will still have to go through some of the things she’s experienci­ng now. Point out that her weight will go up and down as she becomes a big girl and that her friends will start to catch her up in height. Tell her how wonderful it is to be tall and that lots of kids would love to be as tall as she is. Also talk to her about happiness and the things in her life that make her happy, and try to focus on those areas. Build her confidence by praising her for things she’s good at. If you’re concerned she might have an underlying health issue, then take her back to the doctor, who can also advise on diet and tell you if she needs to lose weight for health reasons. If kids continue to be mean to her, then you need to request a meeting with her teacher and explain the impact it’s having. They can keep an eye on it at school and, perhaps as part of a lesson, talk about body difference­s and the importance of kindness. When it comes to exercise, make sure there’s a fun element. Why not try a few different activities to see what she likes – swimming, trampolini­ng, dance classes or even horse riding. If she enjoys it, she’ll want to do it.

 ??  ?? She’s tall for her age and started puberty early
She’s tall for her age and started puberty early

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