Irish Daily Mirror


Iron Islands king is set to cause havoc in Westeros

- BY KEELEY RYAN news@irishmirro­

GAME of Thrones star Pilou Asbaek has hinted villain Euron Greyjoy will thrill fans with his wicked ways.

The actor, who plays the power-mad King of the Iron Islands, is ready to wreak havoc on Westeros in the new series. He told Entertainm­ent Weekly: “He’s much more just f ***** g enjoying himself this season. “He’s more charming. He takes himself seriously, but not too seriously.” The Danish actor has filled the void for the love-to-hate villain after Ramsay Bolton’s death in series six and Joffrey Baratheon’s horrific demise in the fourth series. In his plotting to seize control of the Iron Islands, Euron murdered his older brother Balon and outwitted his niece Yara to claim the Kingsmoot crown. But the 35-year-old teased viewers could be seeing a whole different side to Euron when the new series begins on Monday. He said: “Ramsay was a great character and to me was 100% evil. I think Euron is not. I’m more like a hooligan. “The guy at the Kingsmoot is not the guy you will meet on his ship – he’s different with different people to get what he wants.” The newly-crowned King Of The Iron Islands was last seen searching for his niece and nephew Theon and Yara with the intention of murdering them – only to find they fled the islands on the best ships. He then ordered everyone to chop down any tree they find so that they can build 1,000 ships to conquer Westeros. And it looks like Euron is ready to forge an alliance with Cersei Lannister in an effort to secure the Iron Throne. It remains to be seen if the murderous pirate will be able to lure Cersei but Pilou thinks Euron may have what it takes. He said: “For Euron, the question is, ‘Who gives me the best odds? Is it the dragon mother? No. Is it with Cersei? Dany is still trying to be a good, decent, honest person. “Cersei sold her soul many years ago. Maybe that’s why Euron likes the idea of her.”

 ??  ?? GAME ON Irish stars of show Aidan Gillen and Liam Cunningham at season seven premiere in LA on Wednesday night THRILLED Pilou Asbaek plays Euron
GAME ON Irish stars of show Aidan Gillen and Liam Cunningham at season seven premiere in LA on Wednesday night THRILLED Pilou Asbaek plays Euron

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