Irish Daily Mirror


Struggling Shaw warned this is his make-or-break year at United after form and fitness worries


LUKE SHAW has been told he is embarking on critical season at Manchester United. The left-back’s future is on the line after boss Jose Mourinho criticised him publicly last season over a lack of focus and commitment. Shaw has endured a difficult time at Old Trafford, a broken leg and fitness issues halting his progress following a £27million move from Southampto­n in 2014. Against that backdrop, Shaw is facing a make-or-break season, with former United left-back Denis Irwin warning the 22-year-old he cannot afford to take his eye off the ball. “He said himself last season he thought he needed to put a little more effort in and a little more concentrat­ion,” said Irwin. “There are challenges all the way. When I played for United you always had a young whippersna­pper trying to take your place, Phil Neville in my case. “You have to deal with that, you have to compete, and at a club like United you have to compete day in, day out. “Sometimes at other clubs you don’t have to be on the edge all the time. You can get away with it. “But when you play for a top club like United, you need to be at it all the time. There’s competitio­n to get in the team, to stay in the team.” Shaw, who missed the final three weeks of last season through injury, is training away from the main United squad in the US as he works his way back to full fitness. Competitio­n for the left-back slot is fierce, with Matteo Darmian, Daley Blind, Ashley Young and Marcos Rojo all able to operate there, meaning Shaw has it all to do to be first choice. Irwin has no doubt Shaw can establish himself as the No.1 left-back, but only if he shows he has learned from the mistakes in his first three seasons. “He’s still young,” said Irwin (below). “The people at United know how good a player he is and the potential he’s got. “The manager has said he’s probably the best one we’ve got there, it’s just getting it out of him on a regular basis. He will be given plenty of time with the injury he’s got now. Hopefully he will get back to what we know he can do. “He’s got the natural talent. He’s quick and very attacking. I think when you’re young you make mistakes defensivel­y anyway. “That’s the only way you learn. As long as you learn quickly from those mistakes, you’ll get better and better. “He’s still learning the game. The manager knows the talent he’s got. He just needs to get fit and get up and running again. “Luke is a fine player, we saw that at Southampto­n. Obviously the terrible injury he got will have set him back, and there’s huge competitio­n there.” Irwin believes it was the right time for Wayne Rooney to leave United, the England striker returning to boyhood club Everton. “I think people underestim­ate what he’s done for this club,” said Irwin. “Thirteen years, over 500 appearance­s, 253 goals, the amount of trophies he’s won. “But I think it was the right time for him to leave. Obviously he wants to play, it’s as simple as that. “Gary Neville said he’s the best forward he’s played with and that’s some compliment because he’s played with plenty.” ■■Denis Irwin was speaking on United’s tour 2017, sponsored by Aon.

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