Irish Daily Mirror

Proud mum Storm hits back at criticism of Cooper’s jet-set lifestyle

- BY SHARON MCGOWAN Showbiz Reporter

STORM Keating has hit back at an online troll who described her baby son Cooper as a “poor bugger”. daddy have to work, but despite it taking more effort and organisati­on, we choose to take him almost everywhere with us.

“We stick together as a family as much as possible (which is a very privileged position to be in – not all families have that luxury).

“Of course it’s not the easy option for [Ronan] and I, but we’ll do whatever it takes for our little guy – we don’t want to miss a thing and we don’t want him to miss either of us also. Not if we can help it.”

Claiming she was “very proud” Cooper had travelled to so many cities already, Storm pointed out the London-based trio have to travel to see Ronan’s children from his first marriage to Yvonne Connolly – Jack, 18, Missy, 16, and 12-year-old Ali.

She said: “For Cooper to have two parents who are so hands on despite their crazy lifestyle and work schedules is a blessing and it shows in Cooper. “He is the happiest little baba who very rarely even cries (!) and who has been sleeping through the night since he was seven weeks old (12hrs a night since he was four-and-a-half months old). “He can go anywhere, sleep anywhere and his routine is flexible.

“He is so loved by so many (not to mention his big brother and sisters who live a plane flight away and would never get to see him if he didn’t travel) and he is so content... I think that says it all really.

“Must be doing something right heh? Jumping on a plane is an adventure for him and the life experience­s he has when he lands in different cities and countries is invaluable.

“I feel very proud actually. I’m a fantastic mummy and I know that in my bones. My husband is also an incredible father and my heart bursts every time Cooper’s face lights up when he sees him.

“Cooper is one very fortunate and lucky little man. If only all children in the world could be so loved and cared for.”

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