Irish Daily Mirror

Just how did he get away with vile bile for so long?


SEXIST tweeter Barry Walsh was forced to quit Fine Gael yesterday, ain’t life a bitch.

Going before he was pushed saved the Blueshirts a major embarrassm­ent had they taken him before its disciplina­ry panel, he was on it.

Mr Walsh, had been spewing out vile misogynist­ic tweets at his opponents and referring to women as “bitches”.

Like many so-called pro-lifers he appeared to hate women and referred to Sinn Fein’s Mary Lou Mcdonald and Social Democrats co-leader Roisin Shortall as “bitches”.

The question that still needs to be asked is how this man, who appears to have a vitriolic hatred of anyone who is in favour of repealing the Eight Amendment, got away with this outrageous behaviour for so long.


This was not a low level party member – he is a former head of Young Fine Gael.

He was also the director of elections in Dublin Bay North constituen­cy in last year’s General Election.

Had Barry Walsh been on the Sinn Fein national executive and not on the one that approves all Fine Gael’s major decisions, Leo would be slamming Gerry Adams for not sacking him.

This cowardly keyboard warrior had the nerve to claim he had been subjected to a “trial by media” when he had been attacking women on social media for months.

Given the chance to defend himself on radio and TV he hid like the coward he is.

Walsh had been loosing off these abusive tweets for months but it only became a problem for Fine Gael when he turned his bile on female party colleagues.

Did Leo’s €5million PR unit not pick up his obnoxious tweets or did they just have a laugh at him slagging Mary Lou?

It is inconceiva­ble this was not known by Fine Gael bosses, so why was no action taken?

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