Irish Daily Mirror

Instead of a New Year’s resolution, try to change your attitude


It’s a new year so it’s time for those New Year’s resolution­s. But this year, instead of making resolution­s you won’t keep, try changing your attitude to things. Here’s how: 1 Think about what needs to be changed. Before you can change anything, you need to figure out what the problem is. Unhappy at work? Feel lonely? Once you know exactly what’s bothering you, you can do something about it and your attitude immediatel­y changes to a positive one. 2

Try to look at a problem from a different angle. For example, if you feel as if you have

too much to do at work, rather than complainin­g, look at your extra work as a challenge. Find different ways to approach negative experience­s and you can come out with a more positive attitude. Also, speak to your HR department to re-allocate your work. 3

Count the positives in your life. Every day, look for things to be grateful for. There’s always something, even if it’s just your first cup of steaming coffee in the morning to get you going. Stay in the moment. 4

Don’t play the victim. If you constantly think that things are happening to you as opposed to planning for them, you’re taking responsibi­lity out of your hands. Nothing is ever out of your hands – you’re responsibl­e for your own actions and how you handle a situation. If you want to improve your bad attitude, realise that nothing is happening to you. You have the power to change things around.

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