Irish Daily Mirror



MILLWALL boss Neil Harris reckons his side have an advantage over Norwich as they look for their first away win of the season today.

The Lions opted to bring the home clash with QPR forward to Friday and emerged victorious, while the Canaries drew 0-0 at Burton on Saturday.

Ahead of the trip to Carrow Road, Harris (above) said: “The extra day will help. I initially thought bringing the QPR game forward could have been an error by me, but now we’ve been able to get two days’ rest going into Monday. It’s swung in our favour.

“We have seven wins at home, it is as much as we could have hoped for. But we can’t stand still. We need to make sure we are better and the first thing we can do is win an away game.

“We don’t feel under pressure, but we need to get that away win to build that momentum.”

Norwich boss Daniel Farke agreed angrily with Harris’ assessment.

The German slammed the fixture schedule that allowed Harris to watch City draw at Burton, while Millwall players were relaxing at home.

Farke believes it gives Millwall a significan­t boost at such a busy time of the year.

“Millwall played Friday, so in the sense of fairness in sport, it is not the correct decision,” moaned Farke. “Their players were sitting on the sofa on Saturday and the manager was able to come and analyse our game.

“It is a big advantage for them, because it is not fair when all the games are not on the same day at a time with so many in such a short space of time.

“We have just 40-odd hours before we play again, but it is like it is, so we just have to handle it and try to make the best of it.

“Two unbeaten away games, four points and two clean sheets is a good platform to build on, so we will try everything to produce a good performanc­e.”

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