Irish Daily Mirror

Windsors spoof can’t beat truth


Last night’s special royal wedding edition of Channel 4’s comedy spoof The Windsors was full of things which the mischievou­s side of me wishes would actually happen this week:

Fergie turning down her wedding invite after receiving a big money offer to front an American TV network’s coverage instead.

Harry waking up in jail in a Nazi uniform following a riotous stag night during which he “ennobled” a Hooters barmaid and ended up having the royal wee in public.

Princess Beatrice taking Jeremy Corbyn as her date and him looking at his phone, saying: “Oh, Hezbollah. Best not keep them waiting.”

And Prince Charles giving his son

Spoof Harry & Meg this pre-nuptials pep talk: “Sex tails off pretty quickly. Then there’s the ghastly feeling of being stuck with each other. But this can be easily rectified. By taking a mistress!”

But the sentimenta­l side of me just wants one of the things that happened in the show to happen for real. Meghan’s dad turning up at the chapel to walk her down the aisle.

That’s the thing about spoofing the Royal Family. No matter how ridiculous your storylines, that lot goes and tops them in real life.

But it doesn’t make the show less funny. I could watch Harry Enfield’s Prince Charles impression all night.

As for Ellie White and Celeste Dring’s superb Beatrice and Eugenie act, why the hell haven’t they been given their own spin off series yet?

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