Irish Daily Mirror



Dear Coleen

Our neighbours across the road are moving soon to start a new life at the other end of the country.

They’re a young couple and have a two-year-old girl. I’m quite friendly with the wife. My son is the same age as her daughter, so we’ll have a play date or coffee occasional­ly – although I don’t know her that well.

My dilemma is that I know her husband had an affair with someone local (it was the worst kept secret ever), but his wife is still in the dark and I feel very sorry for her, especially now she’s uprooting her whole life to follow him and his new job. If she knew, I’m not sure she’d be going with him.

Should I say something to her?

Coleen says

If it’s the worst kept secret ever then she may well know and maybe that’s the very reason they’re uprooting their lives – to make a go of their marriage and start fresh somewhere new.

You admit you don’t know this woman very well and, even if you did, none of us really knows what goes on behind closed doors.

You’d be putting a bomb in the middle of their lives based on a rumour. The truth is you don’t know the facts and you shouldn’t risk ruining someone’s life based on some local gossip.

This woman isn’t your best friend or your sister and if they’re moving to make a new start (whether she knows all the facts or not), let them go without any drama.

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