Irish Daily Mirror



Dear Coleen

My daughter is seven and going to a new school in September. She seems really anxious about it and now I’m questionin­g why we’re doing it.

The school she’s at now isn’t doing that well in the league tables (its results are really poor) and she’s struggling in class, hence our reason for moving her. However, she’s happy there and has lots of friends.

She came home the other day with a leaving card her class had made for her, and I started crying in the car.

Am I being ridiculous?

Coleen says

If it’s not a great school and she has the opportunit­y to get into a better one, I don’t think you’re doing anything many other parents in your situation wouldn’t do to give their kids the best chance.

She might only be seven, but those early years at school are the foundation for later on, and if she’s struggling now, then she might really struggle at secondary school unless you make this switch.

Most kids your daughter’s age don’t like the idea of change, but they soon adapt (much quicker than adults) and also make friends quicker too.

As parents, we’re always going to worry about whether we’re doing the right thing for our children, but we can only do our best and go with our gut instinct.

Sometimes you have to take choice out of their hands and make a grown-up decision.

Also, as far as friendship­s go, you can foster those so she sees her old friends. But, in my experience, even if she stays at this school, she’ll change friendship groups three or four times – my daughter Ciara did. Be positive about the move and she’ll get excited about it too.

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