Irish Daily Mirror

Conviction huge blow to mobsters


THE conviction of James Quinn in Spain is a major victory over the Kinahan crime cartel.

The 35-year-old now faces up to 28 years in jail for the brutal murder of Gary Hutch that has led to a feud resulting in at least 15 deaths.

The Spanish police, with much help from gardai, deserve great credit for ensuring this cold-blooded killer is taken out of circulatio­n for at least two decades.

The reality is that without people like Quinn the Kinahan cartel could not function.

The evidence heard in the Spanish court shows the crime gang have no regard for life and will murder to protect their interests.

This organisati­on has also been responsibl­e for killing innocent victims such as Dubliner Trevor O’neill – a death in which Quinn has a suspected involvemen­t.

While his conviction is a major blow to the Kinahan cartel there can be no room for complacenc­y and the fight against organised crime must be stepped up.

For too long these criminals were able to flaunt their ill-gotten wealth under the noses of the authoritie­s but thankfully gardai appear to be getting to grips with these gangs which have committed dozens of murders and flooded the country with drugs.

Quinn’s conviction proves given the proper resources and commitment detectives can finally break these thugs.

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