Irish Daily Mirror



Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

There’s hardly anything to whinge about. Imagine that. Simply that Mercury is challenged by Saturn in Capricorn, and a partner seems a bit deranged. Pardon! A trip is the answer to marital bliss. If you are free and available, some ripe apple may fall off the singles tree this weekend. For more call 15609 11444

Aquarius Jan 21–Feb 19

By rights, you should be a bundle of fun. Admittedly, with Mercury at odds with Saturn, you seem a bit disgruntle­d. That’s the trouble with having to work at the weekend. You must have read the wrong job advert. There are however, plenty of perks. Not to mention a few giggles.

For more call 15609 11445

Pisces Feb 20–Mar 20

You may be kind, caring and romantic. Though, with Mercury opposed by Saturn, others can be rude. You are not that insecure. Endeavour to keep certain friends at arm’s-length this weekend. Or rather, there is strength in numbers. What’s more, someone will warm to you.

For more call 15609 11446

Aries March 21–April 20

True, Mercury opposed by Saturn indicates that you may be more career-focused and ambitious than family orientated. It’s no wonder others accuse you of being arrogant. Totally untrue! An important trip is happening not down the road this weekend. Can you dump the kids at home?

For more call 15609 11447

Taurus April 21–May 21

By rights, you should have a blast, especially if you haven’t left the house these past few weekends. Now, you are about to embark on an outing, even if it’s a journey to nowhere in particular. However, with Mercury together with Saturn, there are familiar places and others even lovelier.

For more call 15609 11448

Gemini May 22–June 20

You may not care about price or convenienc­e this weekend. True, a deceiving link between Mercury, your ruler, and Saturn signifies that the stores are trying to lure cash-rich Geminis. Nor are you just surrounded by merchandis­e. Someone has caught your eye. Enquire if they’re free. For more call 15609 11449

Cancer June 21–July 22

This is a peculiar phase in personal relationsh­ips. Is that why the poker face? True, with Mercury in Cancer opposed by Saturn, there are multiple opportunit­ies to be hurt. Chances are, you will be pursuing someone more suitable. This weekend should be a real revelation.

For more call 15609 11450

Leo July 23–August 22

On a personal level, have you ever been happier. So what’s the matter? True, with Mercury opposed by Saturn, you may seem a bit insular. Oh, you poor tortured soul. As it turns out, you can expect a rare show of loyalty this weekend – to make you feel totally joyful again.

For more call 15609 11451

Virgo Aug 23–Sept 22

Most Virgos have very high standards. Now, with Mercury your ruler overshadow­ed by Saturn, you need to find out about someone beforehand, burning desire or not. You should be marshallin­g your friends this weekend. There will be heartening news about you know who.

For more call 15609 11452

Libra Sept 23–Oct 23

You should be in some lush and lovely place. At least you would be, if you weren’t so devoted. Now, with Mercury opposed by Saturn, cash and family-related matters may delay your departure. See what comes through your door this weekend. You’re so elated.

For more call 15609 11453

Scorpio Oct 24–Nov 22

By rights, you should be flying high or flying off. But with Mercury under pressure from Saturn, you are bound to be denied take off. Nothing to do with crowded airports. Maybe you will be offered something that is more profound this weekend. Depends what you’re after.

For more call 15609 11454

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 –Dec 21

You are not poverty stricken. In fact, your existence should be richer. Though you have probably experience­d both recently. This is a weekend to only spend what you can afford. You may wander into one emporium. If it’s to mend a relationsh­ip, that’s a good propositio­n.

For more call 15609 11455

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