Irish Daily Mirror

Brexit mess no cause for laughter


THE implosion of the British government over Brexit with the resignatio­n of two cabinet ministers might be considered comic if not for the dire consequenc­es these events could have for ireland.

The resignatio­ns of Brexit poster boy Boris Johnson and chief Brexit negotiator David Davis is a major blow to Theresa May.

The departure of the such prominent ministers just two days after she had seemingly secured their agreement at Chequers casts doubt on her ability to carry on.

There are now fears Mrs May could face a vote of no confidence by Conservati­ve MPS in the coming days, a move which could have serious repercussi­ons for Ireland if it proved successful.

The Government had generally welcomed last Friday’s agreement even if there was “a lot of work” still to be done.

While Mrs May’s proposals were somewhat vague, especially when it came to how to avoid a hard border, it was the first time that the British had attempted to address these serious issues.

Now it appears all these plans are in tatters and there is every chance that the British Prime Minister may be out of power by the end of the week resulting in an election and the possibilit­y of Labour replacing the Conservati­ves.

The Government must make every possible effort to ensure Ireland’s interests are protected and this might entail pushing to postpone Brexit to allow more time to reach a deal which ensures this country does not lose out.

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